The sun heals me?

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I wake up

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I wake up. I keep my eyes closed. But before anything else, before feeling anything else, i hear singing. Singing, i think i might be going crazy. I feel like i've been wrapped in a warm, cozy blanket.

Yep, i've definitely gone crazy. Finally peeling my eyes open, seeing a bearded man and a pretty girl standing right above me. Her blond hair is wavy like a princesses. No like an angels.

"Oh my gods. You're awake! How are you feeling?" Her angelic voice fills my ears once again. Sadly my own tiredness takes over leaving the last thing i see is beautiful bright blue eyes before slipping back into an unconscious state once again.


The next time I woke up, the girl was gone. Instead Grover was here, with a donkey in his pants. Wait... something doesn't feel right... OH MY GOD he's half donkey. Or no, wait he's half goat. I remember now. Oh. Is my mom...?

"Percy you're-"

"My mom." I stoped to take a breath. "Is she..." I couldn't seem to form the words. My voice shaky and raspy in need of some water.

"Here, I have some water for you." Grover hands me a plastic water bottle. "I would give you some more ambrosia but if you had anymore you'd probably burn up-"

"Ambrosia? What?! Burn up? And you still haven't answered me about my-"

"I know! I know what you must be thinking." I wait for him to continue you talking, taking in a sharp breath. "Ambrosia heals you!" I groan, rubbing my hand down my face. "I mean it kills mortals but since you're not mortal, your insides didn't burn up!"

"Grover!" I paused waiting for him to look at me. "I need to to tell me what happened to my mother." I looked at him waiting for him to answer, but looking away due to a know on the door. I internally groan, once again. But quickly my interest peek when I see a familiar blond haired girl walks in.

"Chiron sent for me.My name is Eleanora, but please just call me Eleanor." Her angelic voice filling my ears once again. Eleanora is such a pretty name. It suits her perfectly. Her eyes quickly locking onto mine, them squinting just a little as she smiles in my direction. I think I almost fainted again.

"Grover" She looks away from me back to the half-goat boy who I thought just had crutches. I didn't think he was hiding full on goat legs! "Annabeth was looking for you, she wanted to talk about... well you know." She kind of made a small gesture with her head towards me. Grover's eyebrows furrow before finally understanding and leaving immediately. "I know you might have some questions, so ask away while I check on your wounds."

"My mom." I look at her. "Is she..." Again I couldn't seem to bring myself to finish my sentence. She looked down at her feet and nodded her head. I looked out the nearest window, seeing beautiful fields. And I think that's a strawberry field-

"Grover blames himself. He thinks it's his fault. Which it isn't, he did a great job on your mission to bring you here. But the council is going to think other wise." She stops herself looking at me with her beautiful big eyes. "I'm sorry you have so much to think about, adding more onto your plate is the last thing you need." She helps me stand up holding onto my hands lightly. "It seems that most of your strength is back is good! Mr.D wanted to see you."

"Who's Mr. D? And what council? Also where am I? If I remember correctly I had a pretty gnarly scratch, how is it gone? Why am I here?" Her rambling made me have even more questions.

She laughs, hard might I add. Did I say something funny? I don't mind though, if I could bottle up the sound and get drunk on it every night, I would. (A/n: six of crows mentions🤭) Walking along where I have to assume is the south part of Long Island. The long fields meet the shimmering water. And Greek like structures surround us.

"You really just said Who, What, When, Where, Why and, How." She continued to laugh before trying to stop herself. I find myself smiling and chuckling at it too. "Sorry, Mr. D is the camp director of Camp Half-Blood! Which also answers you where question. We're at CHB where Demi-Gods or Half Bloods tend to live, we're protected here, mortals aren't able to come through the barrier as well as monsters. Some kids live here all year around, and others are only here for the summer." She looked like she was about to add on when we stop at a closed door. She knocks quietly and doesn't open it until she hears someone yell like really yell, I think he channeled it from his stomach, telling us to come in. Picking and scratching at her finger nails, before she finally takes a breath opening the door.

"Ah if it isn't the one and only Eliana Clover." Says who i'm assuming is Mr. D.

"It's, um, actually Eleanora Carter, sir. And this is Percy Jackson. Sir." She quickly adds on a sir at the end nervously.

"Eh like I care, now if you don't mind Eliana Clover, I would like to talk to Peter Johnson here. Alone." Eleanor quickly looks at me, standing we're about the same hight, before making her way back through the door.

"Now, have you seen the orientation film?"

Word count: 1002

WE'RE DONE WITH CHAPTER ONE! Ok this is not edited what so ever. I haven't even re-read anything, so there's that. But tomorrow I'll probably look at it and cringe at out bad it is and fix some things. But right now i'm going to bed, it's 2:30, and i'm a little sleepy. Hope you liked it!

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