i got you.

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Lesso was walking in the school for good when she realized Harper and dovey were no where to be found so she looked in her school in the abandoned hall where it was very cold and very hot at the same time. She opened the first door and saw dovey lying on the ground unconscious

Dovey! Lesso yelled, running to her.

Lesso, umm.. so i followed you and Harper's I the room over, and she looks horid. You said

Y/n.. Harper tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out.

Harper, it's ok. I'm gonna help you. You said, picking Harper up, removing her restraints.

Y/n dovey isn't breathing! Lesso yelled

Harper's just extremely hot and dehydrated. You said picking Harper up out the room and lesso did the same with dovey.

Where are you two going with my toys? Carly asked

You're trying to boil Harper and practically froze dovey to death. Lesso said

Addie told me that we can always fix them. Wanna see? Carly asked

Carly, are you dumb these are the reasons why we sent you here to learn because you don't understand how death works, and you can't properly use your magical capabilities. But if you kill someone, aric and Celestial are going to train you and your friends personally. You said

Why would I listen to you?! You didn't give me any space for 2 fucking weeks I'm not listening to you! Carly yelled

That's not what I'm saying! You obviously don't understand! And that's the problem! You yelled

Just..! Shut the fuck up! Carly yelled throwing a ball of chaos magic at your stomach you collapsed holding your stomach in pain.

Y/n! I got you ok? Lesso asked

Dovey's not breathing. Harper is about to die. Go help them! You yelled

Once that spell reaches her head she'll be brain dead. Carly said

If you kill my best soldier, I'm going to have your head. Celestial whispered in Carly's ear before pushing her forward. Carly snapped her fingers, and celestial was being pinned to the ground by Casey.

You really let yourself go celestial. You laughed.

Did I? Celestial whispered in your ear, appearing behind you. Lesso rolled her eyes.

I wish you did. You mumbled

A thousand dollars from your pay seems fitting don't you think aric? Celestial asked

Yes a perfect punishment along with her still having to work here. Aric said

I quit bitch. You said

You're talking out of love for lesso instead of with reason. Celestial said

Carly you have to the count of three to stop that spell. Aric said.

Start counting bitch. Carly said

Isn't that the little rude bitch who came in my court room and fainted after being told to use her powers and show control? Celestial asked

I have plenty of control now you stupid cunt. Carly said

Prove it, and we'll leave. Celestial said extracting the ball of chaos magic from your stomach into her own hand mixing with her own and when Carly beamed her magic at celestial but she turned around deflecting it with the magic she took but instead of it deflecting it beamed at lesso in her stomach celestial turned to her but lesso beamed a spell at Carly keeping her Addison Aiden Casey and evie in a force field and then she helped you up and you preform a spell on dovey and Harper to heal them. When they woke up you and lesso helped them up as celestial and aric put the 5 kids in magic dampening cuffs walking them outside with you, lesso, Harper and dovey not far from them.

memory lane. (Lesso x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now