The Landing

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Are you aware that blind people see nothing? Not black, not pitch dark, nothing. It's hard to imagine but such was the beginning of the "Traveler", nothing, nothing with solid ground. It existed in the state similar to daydreaming. The highest form of lucid dreaming a normal person can achieve. Present, but not there. Awake, but not alive.

The "Traveler" was created some years ago, whether it be billions or months is unknown. It could have been born, but it does not remember being born. This doesn't mean it has no capacity to remember, it remembers that it is alive. Perhaps this capacity of memory is what let it do the impossible. The Traveler broke the rules, the contract with life, it interfered. Somehow, someway it gained free will, fully lucid. It put all its effort into moving, an appendage, a limb, anything to push forward. However, it undervalued its own strength and shot forward. Light years. The Traveler tried to push back against its original path in fear of its own speed. This landed the Traveler on our moon. While leaving a crater among dozens, the Traveler left little to no trace of its existence on our moon. Not like we had any technology on the moon yet.

It had landed on our moon soon after it was formed. It had lived in solitary on the moon for millions of years. Used to the existence similar to a stone amongst the bottom of a river, it found this comforting among this new form of existence. Less abstract and more together, but only enough to resemble a blob of beige opaque goo. Unable to hold a solid form, but not incapable of building itself up and resembling something standing up. It had no eyes to see, yet it could sense things around it. A vision akin to echolocation, somehow with no sound. This ability allowed it to see on earth, watch our development. An almost magic entity, born to exist alongside the universe as another miracle of life and death, reduced to an observer. Nothing more than a camera that wanted to be an actor. Fortunately, the Traveler had finally got its shot.

The species on this planet, "Homo Sapiens", or "Humans", had finally developed their technology and breached the stars. The Traveler had lost its strength when it decided to rest for a few million years. It was trapped, but today that was going to change. The spacecraft had landed and the Humans went through their little ceremony for finally traveling into space. It was quite cute. Then when they decided it was time to return back to their planet. The Traveler had acted, it snuck into the ship shrinking itself down even further to fit into one of the gaps on the bottom of the astronauts boot. Unfortunately, The Traveler was stickier than it first thought. The last step this astronaut had taken before boarding stuck the Traveler back onto the miserable grey rock it had known for so long. It quickly leaped back onto the ship within a slight gap in the side of the spacecraft. While a century can seem like a second to the Traveler, the next 86 hours were grueling. Similar to ripping off a band-aid I presume, short yet strikingly painful. And alongside the fact at some point it was too unstable and the Traveler had fell loose from the ship and rocketed down to the planet below dubbed "Earth."

It had burned up a little on impact and went from a solid goo form to one resembling a liquid, most similar to mercury. While maintaining its odd yellow hue, the Traveler had now become what looked like a gold puddle; to think in its first form it was equivalent to a black hole in terms of insurmountable power. This could have been easily fixed after some time had passed, if the Traveler had not landed in the ocean. Constant waving and flowing with the currents had led to the traveler adopting a fondness of this form. It allowed free movement among the water and felt free, it felt alive. Coasting among the top of the ocean led the Traveler into a pipe attached to a coastline. The experience of the sewer system for the Traveler could only be compared to the journey of space travel. At some point, after bumping around the pipes for a while, it reached an exit point, a light. It flowed from a sewer tunnel onto the grass flooring of a park. Finally, it reached the place it could experience and dictate its free will, it could be alive.

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