Experiencing Experiences

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Feeling grass was a new, almost fearful experience for the Traveler. So much texture just from moving around on this planets floor. However, the Traveler quickly got used to it when they sensed something nearby. This creature was alive. While they were able to watch Earth's development throughout the years, it could not be prepared to be so close to another living creature. Humans were a different story, they were a means to an end, this creature seemed to simply be existing with no thought. The traveler slowly made its way over to the creature nearby. Moving felt different, it felt harder, almost as if there was more pressure pushing down. Perhaps the gravity was more intense on this planet, it had failed to anticipate this. The gravity of this planet was messing with its internal sensors and couldn't place what the animal was exactly.

While traveling over grass, rocks, and some gravel, the Traveler was finally able to hear it seems. It could hear all sorts of things all at once. Unbeknownst to the Traveler, it could hear the wind through the leaves, the birds chirping to each other, water running through a creek. This new world felt so alive just by standing around in the middle of nowhere. Finally, the Traveler had made it to the creature. It was the 4 legged creature. The one with eyes on each side what seemed to be its head, they would occasionally have bone like structures sticking out on each side of the head, but the condition for this trait was unknown to the Traveler. It wanted to be closer, it wanted to understand what allowed this creature to simply graze and eat freely. Why did this lowly creature get to be free amongst beings that clearly had higher thinking power? As the Traveler approached this animal, its head shot up and these concave like flaps started moving around. Its eyes seemed empty, hollow. Alive, yet no thought, why was this wondered the Traveler. While enamored with the other life form, a loud noise had gone off. It was something like the Traveler hadn't heard before. It was different than the spacecraft landing back down to earth. It was aggressive and intentional.

After quickly retreating after hearing this noise to underneath a nearby bush, it began to creep back out after it seemed over. The Traveler made its way back to the creature to further inspect its life and existence. Something was different. The creature was laying on the floor with seemingly no breathe. There was some sort of fluid coming from the creatures body. It had a dark hue with a shine to it. The Traveler approached the creature further. It had made its way to what was presumably its head. The eyes were even more lifeless now. While there seemed to be no thought behind the eyes before, now there wasn't any sign of life in the creature. The Traveler wanted to get closer, it felt a compulsion to. It began to inch closer to the creature. With each movement taken, the compulsion grew stronger and began to turn into something else. The Traveler had gotten close enough to touch the creature. While going to touch the creature, it felt a pulling. It felt like it was being absorbed by desire to touch the lifeless creature. Something would happen if it were to touch the creature and the Traveler intended to find out what. Just as it was about to, from the distance, "Hell yeah! We finally got it."

"Shut up Jim, I shot it not you", these were humans. The Traveler darted away from the creature and back to the safety of a nearby bush. They were saying some sort of noise to each other. It seemed like communication but the Traveler couldn't understand the noises. "Regardless of who shot it, it was a clean shot, ya gotta admit", said the short human. The taller one seemed frustrated with the other, "You're right, it was a clean shot. MY clean shot." While grateful for getting to experience humans up close on their natural planet, the Traveler too began to experience frustration. A new emotion that it didn't fully understand. The two humans were approaching the creature that laid lifeless. The Traveler had lost its opportunity to find out what that feeling was. Why had it become hypnotized with desire to touch with the creature, to connect with it?

The two humans had continued to speak to each other with aggression. They picked up the creature and began to carry it with them somewhere until they disappeared amongst the tall dark pillars with the small colorful appendages. The Traveler valued this experience without gaining any real knowledge. It decided to continue its journey, wherever it may end up. However, there seemed to be something intriguing up ahead. It decided to continue its journey forward and explore more. Its curiosity was thriving on this new planet.

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