Living for the First Time

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Without realizing the exact name for it, for the first time the Traveler was feeling a sense of joy. It's "life" before was so desolate. How can you be one with the universe if you've never felt the ground beneath or experienced anything real? There was so much to learn from this planet and all these different species. It can finally wholeheartedly, truly exist. 

The Traveler continued through the forest for some time. Noticing every minute detail of the life surrounding it. Down to the smallest buzzing creature with wings as small as a thumbtack. A run in with something known as a "bird", a term learned by the two humans who shouted about one defecating on their shoulder. While not sure of the word, the letters, or what it meant; the Traveler knew what they looked like. Unfortunately, this couldn't prepare the once celestial being for how a bird would act. The bird had been somewhat, intrigued in the Traveler. Unable to figure out what exactly the being was. However, this didn't stop the avian creature from pecking at them. The Traveler didn't feel pain. It knew of the concept, it saw the deer. It could understand the process of losing one's life was painful. But it could never experience the feeling, it was simply too protected by what it was. While its appearance had changed, it was closer to a deity than a person, closer to a star than a mammal. 

After getting bored of the birds constant pecking, the Traveler wandered through the forest until it found what it was looking for. It had a great ability to sense things. It could see all life on Earth being developed from amoebas in the water. But its time on this planet was already diminishing its abilities by the minute. Unable to fully know what was ahead, but could sense an intense vibration in the ground. It had reached a clearing of forestation and instead found itself faced it structures. Structures made from wood, glass, brick. The development of these buildings had always confused the Traveler, it couldn't understand why humans would want to confine themselves. It had seen a multitude of humans spend their whole existence in one of these structures, rarely leaving and rarely staying outside. While its time on the moon was peaceful and informative, it also was lacking in details at times. It enjoyed the lifestyle of the more nomadic humans, that made sense. If only the humans could know how big the world, the universe, the galaxy really is. Maybe then they would stop limiting themselves to what they believe they can handle. 

In between these structures were some plant life, but the most striking were the pathways. The Traveler made its way off the grass and dirt onto the asphalt. It was similar, but different. It felt sturdier than the dirt. It spanned down in a multitude of directions in what seemed like simple straight lines. This too confused the Traveler, why had the humans developed these pathways so narrow and symmetrical. Were they not designed for travel? Would they not want them to be as efficient as possible? The Traveler could not understand the design process behind these pathways and homes; it lacked soul. While thinking about how they would design these settlements with maximum effectiveness, it felt the vibration once again. Closer, and closer, and closer. Until it was so close the Traveler was sure of what it was. The lump of metal and machinery that the humans travel around in. This was one of the creations that the Traveler was kind fond of. It felt that the inventor had truly taken a step back and saw the bigger picture. These many part machines could only work the way they do if everything was put together perfectly in the way that they are. It was a beautiful puzzle.

The vehicle had passed by, the vibrations getting less and less noticeable as it got farther and farther. The Traveler was unsure of what was ahead among these multitude of buildings. This did not deter the being, as it had not yet known the emotion of fear. It continued onward, across the asphalt pathway. The Traveler at this point had maintained its shape and form, most similar to mercury. However, due to some unknown reason, it had lost its yellowish hue. It was almost clear, transparent with no color to it. While not invisible and could be seen if focused on. The peripheral of any human being could not notice it. 

The settlement area of humans had bored the Traveler. Perhaps its stubbornness that there was no life in the copy, paste design of the buildings. Nothing was peaking its interest as all the humans were gone for some reason. It was most likely due to their star, the Sun, being gone. While not truly gone, this meant it was dark and less hospitable for the humans it had seemed. However, there was one small four-legged creature that seemed interesting. It had triangle ears, with long strands of hair coming from around its mouth, and an appendage that seemed to have a life of its own near the posterior. This creature was different from the bird. It didn't seem to hit the Traveler for the sake of harm or curiosity, it seemed to be having fun. The creature was playing. This was a new experience for the Traveler, it too wanted to be sharing in the joy as the creature. Unfortunately, it couldn't figure out how to play alongside the creature in any meaningful way. The Traveler almost saddened by this realization had decided to move on and was determined to once again find this creature. 

While lost in thought about how it could participate in playing with the creature, the Traveler realized it had stumbled into a different area. These buildings seemed to have a different purpose than housing. Bright lights on glass, big squares with some sort of strange design on them. The lights seemed to follow the design as the big squares, but the Traveler had no idea what they represented. It seemed very abstract to the being, how could this possibly signify anything? This baffled the Traveler, but also intrigued them greatly. They wanted nothing more than to somehow communicate with humans. Luckily enough for the Traveler, it seemed it was about to learn all it wanted to know. It had spotted a human nearby, unoccupied, unaccompanied, and free to hopefully teach the Traveler everything.

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