Please (23-22-24)

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Can we lay rest together once more?

Could the red string glue itself together?

Please come back

my eyes look for you in every room, would you love me like you used to?

Can I pull my heart out and feed it to you?

I am a stupid, insufferable girl.

I have moulded myself into a wretched hag. You are the only diamond I wish to treasure.

Would you come back?

Hold me while I hum a lullaby of tulips and grief.

kiss my hideous face until I cannot see the unforgiving storm.

make love to me until I can no longer feel the undeniable sense of doom barrelling towards me.

wrap me in your love until you strangle me.
wrap me in your love until you fail to see my blue lips.
wrap me in your love until my bones become yours.
wrap me in your love until you no longer can.

leave me amongst the rotting flesh of my heart.
leave me, leave me, leave me.

love me like the rotting corpse I am.

Like a time of forever sleep (dream or death?)Where stories live. Discover now