Part -1

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Note:- Every Tuesday I will upload  the next part.
Enjoy the story 🥰


Wei Ying's hands were covered in blood, his face splattered with crimson droplets. He was in the midst of an intense battle, his sword slicing through the air, taking down his enemy with a swift strike. But just as he delivered the final blow  "No..."

Wei Ying's eyes snapped open, his body drenched in sweat, his heart racing. He was in his bed, safe and sound. It was just a dream. He let out a sigh of relief, rubbing his face with his hands, trying to shake off the vivid imagery.

Just then, his brother Jiang Cheng burst into the room, a look of concern etched on his face. "What happened, bro? you were shouting around like crazy!"

Wei Ying shook his head, still trying to clear the cobwebs. "Nothing, Cheng. Just a bad dream."

Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow. "A bad dream? You're always getting worked up over those annoying stories you read. Why can't you just chill for once?"

Wei Ying chuckled, getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom. "You wouldn't understand, Cheng. You're not the one with a vivid imagination like mine."

Wei Ying washed up and came downstairs, asking, "What's for breakfast?"

Madam You smiled, "Wei Ying, come and eat breakfast. I made your favorite dishes."

Jiang Cheng chimed in, "Mom, brother woke up by shouting in the morning. He had a bad dream again."

Madam You's expression turned concerned as she looked at Wei Ying. "Why do you always get so worked up over those annoying fighting scenes in movies? You're always imagining yourself in the story, aren't you?"

Wei Ying chuckled, "Mom, you know me too well. I just can't help it. My imagination runs wild sometimes."

Madam You shook her head, "You need to learn to separate reality from fiction, Wei Ying. You're not a character in a movie, you know?"

Wei Ying smiled, "I know, mom. But it's just so much fun to get lost in the story sometimes."

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, "Yeah, fun for you, maybe. But not for the rest of us who have to deal with your drama."

Wei Ying playfully hit Jiang Cheng on the arm, "Hey, someone's got to keep things interesting around here."

The family laughed and sat down to enjoy their breakfast together, the tension from the morning's bad dream dissipating in the warm and cozy atmosphere.

Jiang Cheng exclaimed, "I'm going outside for a month!" He asked for permission from his father.

Jiang Fengmian nodded, "ok,You may go."

Jiang Cheng was overjoyed, "Thank you, father!" He hugged his father tightly, excited to go outside for his photography trip.

But Madam You intervened, her expression stern, "No, you can't go!" She crossed her arms, her voice firm.

Jiang Cheng pouted, "Brother, see? Mom won't let me go!" He hugged Wei Ying, making a puppy face at Madam You.

Wei Ying asked, "Mom, why are you doing this? Let him go, he's been planning this trip for months."

Madam You's expression remained stern, "Cheng, don't ask me permission. You should have thought of that before you asked your father."

Jiang Cheng protested, "But mom, I asked you yesterday and you didn't reply! That's why I asked my father."

Madam You's expression softened slightly, "Fine, you can go." She relented, her voice a little gentler.

Jiang Cheng was overjoyed, "Really, mom? Thank you!" He hugged Madam You tightly, relieved and happy.

Madam You smiled, "Yes, really. But be careful and don't forget to stay in touch."

Afterward, Wei Ying headed to the movie studio, unaware of the surprise that awaited him. As he walked onto the set, he noticed a tall, handsome man standing in front of a camera, his eyes fixed intently on him.

Wei Ying felt a sudden jolt of curiosity, wondering who this stranger was. But before he could ask, the man rushed towards him, a huge smile on his face.

"Wei Ying! Oh my god, I can't believe it's really you!" Lan Wangji exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

Wei Ying was taken aback by the stranger's enthusiasm. "Uh, hi? Do I know you?"

Lan Wangji laughed, his face lighting up. "No, we've never met, but I'm a huge fan of your work! I can't believe I'm finally working with my idol!"

Wei Ying was touched by Lan Wangji's sincerity. "Thanks, that means a lot to me. But I have to ask,What's your role in this movie?"

Lan Wangji's grin widened. "I'm the lead actor, and this is my debut movie! I can't believe I get to share the screen with you, Wei Ying. This is a dream come true!"

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