Part -3

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Xiao Xingchen returned from the movie studio, having stopped to buy some medicines on the way. As he entered his room, he was met with the sight of his roommate, A-Qing, lying in bed, looking unwell. Concern etched on his face, he asked, "A-Qing, are you ok now?"

A-Qing weakly smiled and nodded, "Yeah...I think so. Just a cold or something."

Xiao Xingchen's eyes narrowed slightly, "You've been pushing yourself too hard, A-Qing. You need to take it easy and rest."

He rummaged through the bag of medicines he had bought and pulled out a packet of fever reducers and some throat lozenges. "Here, take these. They'll help with your fever and sore throat."

A-Qing's eyes widened slightly, "Xiao Xingchen, you didn't have to buy all that..."

Xiao Xingchen smiled and handed her a glass of water, "Of course I did. You're my roommate and friend. I'm not going to let you suffer through this alone."

A-Qing smiled gratefully and took the medicines from Xiao Xingchen. "Thanks, Xiao Xingchen. You're a lifesaver."

Xiao Xingchen chuckled and sat down beside her on the bed. "Anytime, A-Qing. That's what roommates are for, right?"

A-Qing nodded, feeling a warmth in her heart towards Xiao Xingchen. "Yeah...definitely."

As she took the medicines and drank some water, Xiao Xingchen pulled out his phone and started playing some soothing music. "Try to rest, A-Qing. I'll be here if you need anything."

A-Qing's eyes started to droop, feeling the medicine and Xiao Xingchen's care taking effect. "Thanks...Xiao Xingchen...I owe you one..."

Xiao Xingchen smiled and gently patted her shoulder. "No need to thank me, A-Qing. Just get better soon, okay?"

As A-Qing drifted off to sleep, Xiao Xingchen sat beside her, watching over her with a caring gaze.

On the other side of the Jiang house, the family was gathered for dinner. Jiang Yanli sighed, "Mom, I'm too tired with my work."

Madam Jiang replied, "Oh! My princess, you're tired of modeling?"

Jiang Yanli nodded, "Yes, Mom. I've been modeling non-stop for a week now, and I'm exhausted."

Jiang Fengmian, her father, looked up from his food, "Yanli, you need to take care of yourself. You can't push yourself too hard."

Wei Ying, her younger brother, chimed in, "Yeah, sis, you've been working non-stop. Take a break and rest for a bit."

Jiang Yanli smiled weakly, "Yeah, I know. I just need some rest."

Wei Ying, who was always energetic, chimed in, "Yeah, sis, you deserve a break! I'm busy with two movie projects right now, but I'm sure Cheng is trying his best with his photography...even if he's not the best at it."

Jiang Fengmian chuckled, "Well, Wei Ying, you're always juggling multiple projects at once. You're a true professional. And Cheng, he's...enthusiastic about his photography."

Madam Jiang added, "Yes, and we support all of our children's passions, no matter what. Yanli with her modeling, Wei Ying with his acting, and Cheng with his...efforts in photography."

The family shared a warm laugh, enjoying each other's company and supporting each other's endeavors.

The next morning, Jiang Yanli's fiancé, Jin Zixuan, arrived at the Jiang residence to pick her up. "Good morning, Yanli! Ready for our day out?"

Jiang Yanli smiled, looking radiant in her outfit. "Good morning, Zixuan! I'm all set."

As they departed, Wei Ying headed out to the movie studio, excited for another day of filming. As he arrived on set, he spotted his best friend, Wen Qing, and couldn't resist a warm greeting. "Wen Qing, my brother! _hugs_ How's it going?"

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