Part 4. The first Female (widow) Mla n 1st feminist woman of Manipur.

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Another phase of darkness arrived, when she lost her husband at the age of 40 years due to BP stroke. She became a widow overnight with a dozen children left under her care. She lost her constant supporter and First love at a very young age ,after losing her child again. However, she didn't lose hope and challenged fate as a single, yet a, strong Mother. 

In order to support her huge family all alone without much support from her paternal place, she started working in odd jobs for embroidery and making clothes. She was engaged in the work for silk embroidery and other curriculum business to sustain her children. During this time, she also taught many other women to be part of this clothes business in order to rely on themselves as well, instead of depending on their husbands or families. 

On 1965, She set up the Mahila Kalyan Samiti, which is a children home, which was based as an NGO, with the purpose of taking care of orphans of that time. However, although she wanted to do so much for the society. She wanted to bring a social change at that time. But, with her current situation, She knew it was not enough. Hence, she realised she needed power in order to bring a positive social change in the society. As we are aware of the fact that, with great power comes great responsibility. She First contested for the general election, but luck was not on her side. Also, people were against a female leader during that time as patriarchy was at its peak too. She contested for three more times without giving up even, after exhausting her mental health many times. On the process, she lost many resources, money, wealth, people . At total, she lost 4 elections. Then, at last, a light came through her life among the darkness inside her. She joined the Congress party as a Woman's organiser but she was not yet ready to be called a member of the above party. However, she got an MLA nomination. Because of the situation of the state Pressure of that time, she was joined as an MPP (Manipur's People Party) member before joining Congress. She used to work as a Chairman for Women's bank that is., as a Social welfare chairman before getting involved in the world of Politics. One could say this was also One of her wild card in getting her nomination as an MLA. 

In 1967, She was nominated by the Congress Party and got selected as a Woman's representative of Manipur. At the same time, when the sports of cricket for Women was held in the state itseld, she was also a part of the organising committee. This was during the MPP's rule , according to her. She was also the Founder Secretary of the Manipur State Cooperative Bank. 

After getting her nomination, she was given proper training for her ministrial activities at KOLKATA.  Because of her early exposure to many places of the country due to her designation, she is fluent in Hindi, English, Manipuri, Bengali, Sanskrit, etc (in terms of writing, reading and speaking).

In 1972, Mahila Kalyan Samiti (present location in Chingmeirong), her first NGO based orphanage provided shelter for those children with no parents. To be able to bring children who had lost their hope for their future and to be able to bring them together as a family in a place similar to that of a home was her main goal in creating this Samiti. This resolution was passed by !972. Then, finally the Social Welfare Department gave aid to this NGO after knowing the news of its small growth. Her sweetest support was from her father himself. At a strongly patriarchal headed society, it was only her father who brought her to this ray of knowledge and platform. So, she never failed to acknowledge him inside her despite, many years of his passing. 

The moments of darkness she faced was especially during the period where she loses both her child and her loving husband. She was in depression as she had faced certain tragedies twice and not just once and her life felt upside down for a while. She felt all alone helpless in the world of darkness for few years. In order to get her courage and her strong self back, she started reading Bhagavad Gita. From here, she realised that human bodies only lived temporary and only the soul remains permanent and could be transferred in other bodies. She also knew that she should learn how to let go of the things and incidents which had already left her from her life and, which were not under her control. Through the message of Gita, she was able to have an introspection upon herself and decided to stand up once again on her feet for her children and for the future of many helpless lives. Then, on 1972 itself , she gave birth to his youngest son, whom she considers as the new reincarnation of his late little son.

No wonder, she is a living embodiment of what is called a strong , powerful woman. 

Oh! So we have heard lots of her achievements and her dark phases of the journey of her life till now. Do you think possibly there would always be peace or harmony happening as always inside her family, despite the chaos of elections. definitely not. There was a huge commotion happened between her and one of her son..

Ok guys, thank u smm for all the love and support that you all have given to this story till now. Am grateful to all of u for ur kindess and anticipation for this biography. However, I won't be updating this anymore as there will be an official book launch which will happen after 3/4 years from now. And Ill be inviting u all for surely on the book launching day. I'll be very grateful for ur kind presence on that event. thank u smm guys. love u all. Hope u gets to learn the moral from my granny's stpry that with willpower amonst darkness, we can do anything even till the last moment. So, never give up ur dreams at any circumstances. It's a free n real advice from me n my granny's side.. tc u all XOXO.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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