Surreal Perception

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A towering and hulking figure.

A slight effort is all it takes to stretch my jaws gaping open. My rows of teeth ache in anticipation, seeking to refill the void the Sirens have left my kin after being trapped in a pocket dimension. As soon as the scent of the material world's air fills my nostrils, my entire body rumbles in excitement.

I want...

The proud knight. She constantly seeks the luxury of her appetite - a glutton in its rawest form. To indulge in one's appetite...savoring every last bite - rather excessively. Seeking more and more luxury flavors to consume.

That won't do! That won't do, my kin! A glutton carving out a glutton won't go further. It will stale your taste buds and prove no amusement for your hunger. Seek one who lacks such appetite - one who refused to covet!

My rapacious brethren eagerly disapproves my way of hunger. They are right. A glutton within a glutton will not sate my hunger. I seek flavor. Someone who lacks the desire. We are "sins" of humanity, we corrupt. Lucifer wished for the fleet leader to self-destruct and slit each other's throats with Satan and Asmodeus eager with the bloodshed. What I wish is someone who hasn't tasted spices and toppings of humanity.

We covet, so we take. The flavor of humanity is what you seek, a heart numb of such desires is you shall get

My greedy brethren who shares almost the same desire once proudly made a prediction for me. I wish for a fiery flavor, one that struggles no matter how futile it is, but my kin voiced out how such a meal is unfit. I covet numbness and distance in order to fully appreciate the most fiery flavor humanity has to offer.

Yes! That is how it should be!

My brethren eagerly agree with me. A plate cannot be filled if the meal is already occupying it. I want and want, so I take and take. I keep desiring, so I keep refilling my eternal hunger. My meal will be an amusing one if it hasn't coveted yet.

What must I do? What must I do?

At this rate, I might no longer enjoy each taste and each flavor. I cannot be my own meal as not only I might rip through myself, but I will simply lose the enjoyment of other flavors.

I want to eat...but I also wish to taste...

Numb, numb, numb. A missing empty plate. That is my only answer to my dilemma. I require what's been emptied and stagnant...unmoving. Someone who hasn't hunger. Oh, like a chained beast deprived of the spiciness of conflict and forced to why while the others fill their bellies. Someone like that surely hungers!

Yes, this is my answer.

I shower myself in the joy knowing the vast need of my answer. Memories, thoughts, and emotions. My answer seeks as much as I do...and I intend to fulfill it. Numb and bound - yes, such numbness will taste the complex flavor of human desire. Being bound, forced to restrain their desire mustn't deny their rumbling bellies!

Gnaw those chains away!

Take a whiff of the black smoke!

Lick the floating debris!

Feast on the sacrifice of your friends!

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