Parasitic Struggle

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Humans are composed of what the world refers to as "the seven deadly sins" which are said to be their worst sins. One would say pride and greed wrestles the position for the worst traits in humanity. Gluttony is one of the weakest but still deadly due to leading humans to excessiveness and indulging themselves. The Sirens committed a grave error creating a spark which awakens their awareness in the physical world. They aren't man-made machines, but in the current universe, they're the concept of sins taken flesh - monsters in their truest form.

(This body is so uncomfortable. Is the wisdom cube detecting me as a foreign entity? I made sure to integrate myself without eating everything, so why am I being pushed away...)

Beelzebub's balance wavers when they take a step back. They feel their limbs quiver and the mild numbness is a symptom of their control loosening. The kansen's ego have been suppressed, but Beelzebub couldn't relax.

(I see. Back then, this cold meat threw her life in a gamble to stop me. She must have done something behind Bismarck's back...)

The annoyance of unable to fully move the body continues. Beelzebub scans through the memories of their host, but there are numerous gaps in Tirpitz's memories. Half of them is prior to the last confrontation with Beelzebub. Even they aren't sure if the memories are damaged when they invaded the body, or Tirpitz had a failsafe that blocked off some memories.

To have the resolve to die for your people is worthy of respect, but I admit it's painful to vanish into tragedy a second time...

In one of the memories that's barely visible because of the buzzing and static much like an old television, Beelzebub spots an unlikely figure - Sovetsky Soyuz.

Beelzebub cannot truly die. They are a parasite, cancer, and a disease that will only propagate and assimilate their unfortunate host.


They are a parasite who finds flavor in the emotions instilled in our wisdom cubes...


There will be nothing left of you after you're devoured - leaving only bones and rotting flesh...


I don't underestimate your resolve. Your determination and courage are much like your older sister after all...


Worry not. I will uphold my promise out of respect for your resolve...

The memory is faint, but Beelzebub recognizes Chkalov and Sovetskaya Belorussiya present in the scene as well. There's no clearer context as everything else is much like a damaged screen.

[Abaddon, I think the kansens outsmarted me. I didn't think they have this much resolve]

[What happened, Beelzebub?]

[The Northern Parliament. They're involved with why this hollow corpse willingly gave herself up, especially their leader]

[That'll be our next target, but in the meantime-]

[Not good. Something in this wisdom cube is limiting my dominance...]

Tirpitz's icy blue eyes gradually return to its striking shade and the kansen herself is barely aware of her surroundings.

"That hurts..."

Remembering of her injury, it stings her sides and shoulder as soon as she regains her senses. Tirpitz falls on one knee while pressing the multiple stabbing wounds on her side.

"Don't move too much, idiot. You're still bleeding-"

Prinz Eugen tries to push Tirpitz back when she quickly stands back up and tries to leave the room, but she gazes down at the wound on her abdomen. Tirpitz's side has stopped bleeding when it's only been two or three minutes.

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