peace? never heard of her

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while y/n was busy fending off her juniors during lunch, suna was fending off his own demons. his friends, the miya twins.

"our aunt makes the best bentos ever! i almost stole my cousin's this morning when we went over to their house but she beat me to it." atsumu whined.

at the end of his twin's monologue, osamu sighed, "she didn't 'beat you to it' if it was hers in the first place, tsumu."

the boy in question just rolled his eyes and ignored what was said to him.

suna sat in the middle of the twins, like the brave warrior he was, and aran was sitting in front of him. looking mildly concerned at what was going on before his eyes.

the two of them had been putting up with the twins' antics for years, suna thinks aran should be used to them by now.

the two of them had been putting up with the twins' antics for years, suna thinks aran should be used to them by now

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suna couldn't name a single time miya atsumu was quiet, ever. which is shocking because they've known each other for a while. suna wonders if anyone could ever shut the blond up. affectionately, of course. he was still one of suna's closest friends.

he'd just appreciate it if he could stop for a second to let suna think. about the girl from the bookstore he saw over the weekend.

it's... strange, to say the least. he's never really been this interested in anyone or anything before, much less a girl. suna has always been the nonchalant one in their friend group.

(unless there was a fight going on. if that was the case, he probably already had his phone out.)

the quartet peacefully, kind of, ate their lunches as atsumu went on and on about the practice match with the girls' team after school and how he'd beat his cousin who definitely wasn't a better setter than him.

suna didn't even know the twins had a cousin that attended inarizaki or that they, or she apparently, played volleyball like them.

his train of thought suddenly went back to bookstore girl and which high school she went to. it was most probably in hyōgo since she seemed to work too. it would be pretty tiring to commute so much, suna thinks. but then again he thinks a lot of things are tiring so maybe he wasn't the right judge for that.

"suna, we're going to be late. the bell rang already and the twins are racing down the halls again." aran urgently said, looking at suna like he had grown two heads. so what if he was zoning out a little? it wasn't like it was the first time. it was the first time he was doing it about a girl, though.

whatever, he was gonna sleep through his classes and get to volleyball practice. maybe he could sneak away from the practice match again. he found it astonishing how he had never gotten caught or called out for it.

until today. he jinxed himself.

just as he was about to very casually leave the gym, kita shinsuke came storming to the door to block him from leaving. if it were anyone else, suna probably still would've left but something about his volleyball captain just downright intimidated him.

kita dragged him back to the court as the girls' team entered the gym.

when suna's eyes met with a familiar pair, he found himself willingly wanting to play this practice match, if it meant he'd get to exchange a few words with... the miya twins' cousin? what was going on?

author's notes:
aran is a laufey listener
source: the voices
also!! sorry for the typos if there are any, i kinda dgaf after the publish button is pressed .. 😅

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