Bloody ducks the claw machine

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I want you to listen very carefully  before this night is over I will kill you but before I kill you I will make you suffer pain so unimaginable you will wiggle and beg and pray for the gift of death eventually I will give you that gift but then when you wake up in hell you won't find peace you know why because I'll be there waiting for you agin before I kill you I will kill  everyone in your family I will kill everyone you've ever laid eye on or seen or met and then I will kill you I will cut you all day and I will pore hot oil on you and I will pore liquid led on you and when that seeps into your cuts and hardens I will tie each one of your limbs to a horse . arm to horse leg leg to horse leg ect: and then I will spank all for horses harder then ever And they will run faster then ever ripping of your limbs slowly because the led is now dry and so heavy then and only then I will dig a hole 5 feet deep because your fat so I'm making you work walk and do everything more  so you look good for the devil you will  crawl down 1  foot deep because your already at level 5 and when I Barrie you I will cover you in mine and everybody else's guts  if you don't give me a dollar for the duck claw machine so I can win a duck to give to my friend possum 

Ssssssssssssssss OW OW OW please stop ssssssss ow don't you think you've cut me to many time ow ow ow ow no no not the oil again please I'll give you a million dollars I don't want a million dollars the claw machine doesn't except 1 million dollars I want 1 dollar but you choose pain instead please 🙏 have mercy I only had a 20 then you could've got change  ow ow ow 

The end 

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