𝑪𝒉.1: 💋 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌💋

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A/N: This is yall's first, last, and ONLY warning:

I, like many of the other writers on Wattpad, don't like to be rushed to update our stories. Writing comes to people in different ways and sometimes it takes longer than others to spark some creativity to begin the process, especially since we want you guys to like it.

Unless I'm specifically asking you guys what stories you want to see updated, I don't want to see update comments on my message board or in my stories comment section. 

1. It's annoying.

2. It's rude to ask and not take into consideration that I may/ or may not have a life outside of this app (even though sometimes it may not always seem like I do, lol)

3. It just stresses me out and gives me anxiety.

I know you guys all love Nevaeh's story and I love that, but I have other stories I want to work on as well and be able to introduce you guys to new OC's.

Anyways, thanks for reading this A/N and for being a supportive reader/follower.

Enjoy this chapter!


Panting. Clothes disregarded on the floor. Bedroom door locked. Lights dimmed to create the perfect atmosphere for some deep, lustful passion, right? Well, think again. After seeing the longing, wistful looks Evie would shoot in Ben's direction during Cotillion, Nevaeh decided to take matters into her own hands...or at least she tried.

Planting kisses along Ben's jawline, she played with his hair, entangling her manicured nails into his scalp. Rewarded with deep groans of satisfaction as she grinded her pantie-covered pussy against his hard covered dick, she grinned mischievously into the kiss. Meanwhile, as she performed her ministrations, Ben could sense a tone of urgency in his lover's actions. The way she grinded against him didn't feel natural but felt almost desperate-the hickeys she'd plant along his chest only adding to his theory.

What is she trying to prove? He thought to himself. It's only when she made a move to remove his boxers did he extend his hands out to stop her from going any further.

"Wait." He spoke. Confused and a little frustrated, Nevaeh paused her actions, a little pout playing against her lips as she stared up at him.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Propping himself on his elbows, Ben scooted up to lean against the bed's headboard, patting the space next to him. With furrowed brows, Nevaeh took that as a sign that they weren't going to have sex before joining him. Ben took one of her hands in his, letting a moment of silence pass between them before starting the conversation.

"You know I love you, right?" He began, waiting until he saw her head nod before continuing. "I would never rush or pressure you into doing anything you don't want or aren't ready for. So, my question is, why does it seem like you're rushing to get things over with?" He asked her gently, tracing a thumb over her knuckles. Feeling a wave of embarrassment and vulnerability wash over her, Nevaeh casted her gaze to focus on her lap.

"It's just, I don't know if you've noticed, but the past few days and even at Cotillion tonight, Evie has been giving you these looks and little, subtle, flirty gestures. I thought that maybe us having sex might somehow make her back off, to make her stop her attempts at getting something she can't have. To let her know you're mine." Nevaeh admitted, heat rising to her cheeks. Placing his index finger and thumb under her chin, he brought her gaze to meet his own.

"You're right, I haven't noticed. You know why? It's because all my attention has been stolen by the lovely princess in front of me." Ben replied, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, he was glad to see the smile that tugged at the edges of her lips.

"Besides, why would she when she has Doug? And anyways, she's your family, I doubt she'd do anything to hurt you." He reassured her. Pulling her into his chest, Ben pulled the covers over their bodies before turning off the light completely.

"I hope you're right." Nevaeh whispered. A small frown played on her lips as she listened to Ben's heartbeat, while a sense of dread overcame her as she dozed off into a sleep.


A/N: Setting up the stage for what will a dramatic ride, folks!

What do we think about this scene? Is Nevaeh right to be cautious? 

You're probably wondering will they ever have sex? Lol, yes, they will.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, where we'll see and certain character and maybe even revisit some from d1.

~ XoXo Queenie

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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