
831 17 95

Genre: Angst

"Where is Jisung?" Minho asked everyone as soon as they stepped into Jisung's room. That is where Minho slept that night. Wanting to at least have the smell of Jisung surrounding him. The members were there. They knew where Jisung was when Minho didn't. They were there to tell Minho the truth.

The anger and frustration was obvious in Minho's expression. He just wanted to know where his baby. His boyfriend. His love, was.

Yesterday was when Jisung went missing. It was like he just vanished in thin air. When Chan had called him to say they found him they wouldn't let him see his boyfriend. Chan ended the call by telling Minho he should get some sleep and they would tell him what happened tomorrow. Minho thought he done something wrong and overthought the whole night not getting a blink of sleep. 

Jisung had cuddled and stayed close to Minho the whole day. However, Minho saw in his eyes and actions that Jisung wasn't himself. He was quiet nearly the whole day, just saying a small I love you from time to time. From what he remembered he didn't do anything that upset Jisung, but that wouldn't stop him from feeling guilty.

Minho tried asking what's wrong, multiple times, but Jisung just waved him off saying its nothing.

It hurt Minho deeply seeing he couldn't understand what was wrong with his boyfriend. It hurt him to not be able to help him, with whatever was wrong. It made him feel at fault for not being able to approach him properly. But Jisung was never like this, he would always tell Minho everything that was wrong.

All that Minho knew was that Jisung had been extremely stressed lately. Even though he was doing the thing he loved the most, he was exhausted and unhealthily overworking himself. 

All because of some hate comments...

All because of some 'fans' that made him feel uncomfortable and worthless...

All because he thought he wasn't good enough, although Minho always told him the opposite...

Minho comforted him all the time. He just wanted to see his little quokka, happy and relaxed. Now he couldn't see him at all.

So here he was now. Arms crossed over his chest terrible eye bags and puffy eyes both from crying and lack of sleep.

When he saw the other members in the same condition and without Jisung... his heart broke. 

"Where is he?!" Minho said, in more of an aggressive whisper. His voice cracking slightly. His tired eyes refilling with tears.

Chan lunged forward engulfing him in a strong hug. Enough to make Minho breakdown in his arms.

"I'm sorry" Chan repeated constantly, now also shaking at how hard he was crying.

All the other members were also on the floor. The hyungs hugging and comforting the youngers while also crying out in emotional pain.

"NO. No No it can't be please tell me where he is tell me Chan. Please. I need to see him. I beg you. I wanna see my love. Please." Minho said not daring to think of the worst case scenario. It couldn't be. Jisung was still here. 

Was he?...

"He's gone. I'm so sorry. He is not here anymore and he is not coming back. I'm so sorry." Chan pulled away falling to the floor. He tried his best to not cry in front of the others to not hurt them more but he couldn't hold it in anymore. He lost one of them. One of his members but most importantly one of his family, his brothers, his sons. And there was no going back.

Chan called them all over and they sat around Minho's floor in a circle. Minho's face was blank. It looked like all the colour was wiped out of his face. He stared into nowhere.

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