chapter 6

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Their conversation was cut short by the distant sound of the tribal horn, a call to assembly that resonated through the trees. Lily and Leo exchanged a knowing glance, their earlier tranquility replaced by a sense of urgency. As they approached the gathering, Lily noticed a heightened energy among the tribe members, their expressions a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Elder Tarkus stood before the crowd, his eyes scanning the gathering until they settled on Lily and Leo. His gaze lingered on them for a moment before he announced, "We have received word of an impending threat from the neighboring clan, the Clawed Peaks. They claim the land we stand on as their own and demand our tribute!"

The tribe erupted into a cacophony of growls and hisses, their displeasure palpable. Lily felt a knot form in her stomach. The peaceful existence she had come to cherish was at risk, and she feared for the safety of her newfound family.

Leo squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We must stand firm," he murmured. "Our bond will give us strength."

The Council of Elders gathered around Elder Tarkus, deep in discussion. Lily could sense the tension in the air, the unspoken fear of conflict. The Clawed Peaks were known for their ferocity and cunning. Her mind raced, trying to think of a way to prevent the impending war.

One by one, the beastmen and women of the tribe stepped forward, offering their strategies and suggestions. Each idea was met with a mix of nods and skeptical grumbles. Lily remained silent, her human perspective feeling out of place among the seasoned warriors and hunters. But she knew she had something to offer, something unique to her new identity as a beastwoman with a human mind.

With a deep breath, she raised her hand, the gold band around her wrist glinting in the sun. "Elder Tarkus," she called out, her voice clear and steady. The crowd fell silent, turning their gazes upon her. "Could we not consider a peace meeting?" she suggested. "Perhaps there is a way to resolve this without bloodshed."

Elder Tarkus's eyes narrowed, considering her proposal. "A peace meeting?" he repeated, his voice laced with skepticism. "The Clawed Peaks are not known for their diplomacy."

Lily stepped forward, her confidence growing. "But if we don't try, we'll never know. And if we do, we might just forge a new path for our people."

The Council of Elders exchanged glances, their expressions a blend of doubt and curiosity. The concept of a peace meeting was alien to their warrior culture, but the prophecy whispered in their ears, urging them to consider the words of this unusual beastwoman. After a tense silence, Elder Tarkus spoke. "Your bond with Leo marks you as one of us, Lily. Your ideas will be heard."

With Leo by her side, Lily addressed the assembly. "In my world, we build bridges instead of walls. We solve our differences with words rather than fangs and claws. Let us extend an olive branch to the Clawed Peaks. Perhaps they seek only what we all do: a place to call home, a chance at happiness."

The Council of Elders murmured among themselves, their fur ruffling with consideration. They had never encountered a beastwoman with such ideas, but the prophecy whispered of change. After a lengthy deliberation, Elder Tarkus raised his hand for silence. "We shall heed your counsel, Lily of the Two Skies. We will send an emissary to the Clawed Peaks and see if they wish to parley."

Leo stepped forward, his eyes on Lily. "Allow me to go," he offered, his voice firm. "As your bonded mate and the one who found you, it is my honor to represent our union and our tribe."

"Very well," Elder Tarkus agreed, his gaze lingering on Lily. "Leo shall go as our emissary. May your bond protect you both."

The Clawed Peaks clan was known for their rugged terrain, a stark contrast to the lush forests of Mount Velly. Their lands were a jagged expanse of rocky outcrops and sharp inclines, a testament to their fierce nature. The beastmen and women of the Clawed Peaks were hardened by the harsh environment they called home, their fur thicker and their claws longer than those of the lion-like beasts of Mount Velly. They were a clan of tigers and panthers, predators bred for the hunt and the defense of their territory.

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