chapter 10 smut🍋🍋

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Tigrus felt the weight of the moment, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum of war. He knew Lily was still coming to terms with her new life, and he didn't want to overwhelm her. Yet, the bonding ceremony had stirred something primal within him, a fierce need to claim her, to show her the depth of his desire. He took a deep breath, his chest expanding, and his fur ruffling slightly with the effort to contain his passion.

Gently, he stepped closer to Lily, his amber eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation. But what he found was a smoldering ember, a spark of curiosity and want that mirrored his own. He reached out, his paw brushing against her cheek, the softness of her skin sending a jolt of electricity through his veins. His tail swished with anticipation as he leaned in, his breath hot against her ear.

"Lily," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate through her very bones. "Look at me."

Lily's cheeks flushed, and she hesitantly turned to face Tigrus. His tigerman form was a majestic sight, muscles rippling under his fur, his eyes burning with a fierce desire that made her feel both vulnerable and incredibly desirable. He stepped closer, his manhood swelling before her eyes, a testament to his arousal.

" Tigrus murmured,  I promise, we will take this journey together." He reached out, his paws gentle as he began to undo the intricate knots of her gown, revealing her lush curves. Lily felt her own desire awaken, her breath hitching as the cool air kissed her heated skin.

As Tigrus's fingers brushed against her nipples, they hardened into peaks, and he let out a soft growl of approval. He leaned in closer, his warm breath fanning across her chest, his tongue flicking out to tease her. She arched into the sensation, a soft moan escaping her lips as his long tongue traced a path down her belly, over her mound, and into her womanhood.

The sensation was exquisite, his tongue reaching deep inside her, exploring every crevice with a tender fierceness that sent waves of pleasure crashing over her. Lily had never felt so desired, so alive. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer, her claws digging gently into his fur.

Tigrus's touch was unpracticed yet masterful, a blend of passion and reverence that made her heart ache with need. His tongue swirled and flicked, coaxing her to heights she had never known. Each stroke sent bolts of pleasure to her core, and she felt herself spiraling closer to the edge of a climax that threatened to consume her.

Suddenly, she felt an unexpected pressure building in her urethra. It was a sensation she had never experienced in her human life, and she gasped, her eyes flying open. "Tigrus," she panted, her voice strained. "Something...something's happening."

Tigrus looked up, his eyes glazed with passion, his muzzle glistening with her arousal. He understood her unspoken message, his own need now reaching a fever pitch. With a roar of triumph, he claimed her fully, his manhood sliding into her slick warmth. Lily's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt the pressure release, a torrent of liquid gushing over his face and muzzle.

Instead of recoiling, Tigrus reveled in the sensation, his beastly instincts reveling in the scent of her fertility. He lapped at her, his tongue caressing her sensitive flesh as she squirmed beneath him. The taste of her filled his mouth, a sweet and salty blend that sent his senses reeling. Lily's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but the pleasure was too intense to ignore.

"Did you ever do this with Leo?" he asked, his voice thick with desire.

Lily's breath hitched as she nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Leo is...gentle," she murmured, her voice a purr. "He uses his manhood to pleasure me in a way that is both tender and fierce."

Tigrus's eyes gleamed with understanding. "I will not take from you what is not freely given," he said, his voice a low rumble. "But tonight, I wish to show you the power of our bond. To mark you as mine, to claim this territory," he said, his paw moving to cup her sex, "so that all will know you are protected and cherished."

Her eyes widened, the implications of his words sinking in. In the Beast World, scent marked territory and claimed mates. It was a declaration of possession that was undeniable and absolute. Lily felt a thrill of excitement mingled with trepidation. This was not something she had ever done with Leo, but with Tigrus, it felt right. Her body responded to his touch, her arousal spiking once more.

With a nod, she allowed him to continue his exploration, his tongue mapping the delicate folds of her sex with a newfound urgency. She could feel his excitement, his manhood pulsing against her thigh, leaving a trail of precum that washed away with her own fluids. He was claiming her, leaving his mark in the most primal way possible.

Lily's eyes drifted shut as she gave herself over to the sensation. She had never felt so wild, so free. Her human mind struggled to comprehend the depth of this bond, but her beastwoman instincts reveled in the raw, unfiltered connection. Her legs tightened around him, her hips bucking as she reached for another climax.

The sun had barely crested the horizon when Leo returned from his early patrol, his lion's mane glistening with dew. He found Lily and Tigrus entwined in the massive bed, their bodies still flushed from their passionate union.

"Lily," he said softly, his voice a gentle rumble. "Tigrus."

The two lovers stirred, Lily's eyes fluttering open to find Leo standing at the edge of the bed, his gaze lingering on the intimate scene before him. She felt a warmth spread through her, a mix of pleasure and embarrassment. This was new territory for her, the bond she had just formed with Tigrus still fresh and uncharted.

Tigrus pulled away, his amber eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he looked at Lily. He turned to Leo, a low rumble of a greeting vibrating in his chest. "I hope I did not overstep," he said, his voice a soft purr. "But I could not resist the call of our bond."

Leo's gaze was filled with warmth and understanding. "I know," he said, his voice a gentle rumble.

He turned to Lily, who felt a sudden surge of hunger, her stomach rumbling like distant thunder. The transformation and the bonding ceremony had taken a toll on her, and she hadn't eaten since the feast the night before. "Lily, you must be famished," Leo said, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "I shall prepare you a meal that will nourish both your body and soul."

With a nod of understanding, Tigrus offered to assist Lily to the bathing chamber. He picked her up with surprising gentleness, his powerful arms cradling her against his firm chest. The warmth of his body and the scent of their combined passion made Lily feel safe and cherished.

The bath was drawn, the water steaming and scented with the petals of exotic blooms that could only be found in the Beast World. Lily sighed with pleasure as she sank into the tub, the water enveloping her weary form. Tigrus watched her, his gaze lingering on her curves as he worked to cleanse her of the evidence of their bonding. His paws were firm yet tender as they washed away the sweat and scent of their union.

The warmth of the water combined with the gentle touch of her new mate's paws was intoxicating. Lily felt the tension in her muscles melt away, her eyes drifting shut as she allowed herself to fully relax in his care. The sound of the water lapping against the sides of the tub was soothing, a gentle reminder of the natural world that surrounded them.

When they emerged from the bathing chamber, the scent of roasting meats and exotic spices filled the air. Leo had been busy in the kitchen, his culinary skills as much a part of his nurturing nature as his fierce protectiveness. The sight of him, his lion's mane ruffled and his fur damp from the steam, brought a smile to Lily's lips.

He had prepared a feast fit for a queen—or in this case, a beastwoman who had just bonded with her new mate. The table was laden with a variety of dishes, each one more tempting than the last. There were roasted fruits and vegetables, tender slices of venison, and a fragrant stew that bubbled in a cauldron over the fire. Lily's stomach growled, reminding her of the hunger that had been temporarily forgotten in the throes of passion.

The aroma of the food was heavenly, and she couldn't resist the urge to dig in. Her mates watched her with fond smiles, their own hunger evident in the way they tore into the meal. As they ate, they discussed the influx of visitors to Unity's Peak. The city had become a beacon of hope in the Beast World, a place where beasts and humans could live in harmony.

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