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(In a room, Lisa is practicing her sword fighting in the mirror while Jelani is fiddling with his morpher.)

Lisa; Who am I? I'm Lisa Hendrix. ( grunting ) And I'm taking you down. ( grunts )

Y/N: Looking good, Lisa, but-(gets up and does a pose) you are no match for the mighty-

( Ship system powers down as the two siblings begin to float in the air. They opened door to the deck and floated in and saw that everything was floating as well.)

Jelani: Sean! What did you do?!

Sean: Uh...

KRS: Um, he disabled the ship's artificial gravity. Oh. I didn't even know I could do that.

Lisa: Sean!

Sean: All right. Sorry, sorry! I was just trying to fix KRS's voice. (Goes back to the button and presses it)

Lisa: Whoa, wait.

(Everyone grunts as they land on the floor with a thud.)

Sean: ( laughs ) Crisis averted.

( metal crashes )

Terry: Sean!

(Sean covers his head back up as Terry walks in covered in blue stuff.)

Sean: ( laughing ) Dad! Why are you all wet?

Lisa: Yeah. ( laughs ) Did you get into a fight with the shower? (Fist Bumps with Sean)

Terry: (Wipes himself Clean) It was not the shower.

Lisa: Oh.

Jelani: Ew!

KRS: That's nasty, Terry.

( all three laugh )

Terry: Oh, y'all are real funny, huh? I'll take your laughter as a sign that you don't wanna be my extra pair of eyes on Chillion, then.

Jelani: Wait. Pair of eyes? Like...

Lisa: ( gasps ) We get to help?

Sean: ( gasps ) We get to be bounty hunters?

Terry: Eh, more like bounty hunter interns. But if you guys are good, who knows? Maybe I'll even let you hold one of my blasters. (Wavers a blaster at Sean)

Sean: Really?

Terry: No. ( laughs and walks off playfully)

Sean: Come on, Dad!

(Cut to Terry sitting at the center and his kids watching.)

Terry: All right. Now, check this out. (Shows hologram of Vax)This is the fugitive we're after.

KRS: Mmm. Still love that jacket.

(Lisa and Jelani look at each other as they realize that it was the alien that they saw back at Warpies. Terry notices their look.)

Terry: What's up?

Lisa: Hmm? Oh. Nothing.

Jelani It's just... I'm pretty sure we've seen her before.

Terry:  You've seen her?

Lisa: Yeah. Back at the Warpies. She didn't seem like a criminal.

Terry: Listen, even criminals can appear to be nice. But trust me, she isn't. She's dangerous. If either of you see her, tell me immediately. Don't approach her. Don't talk to her. Got it?

My Dad the Bounty Hunter x Male OC Season 1Where stories live. Discover now