Faith I

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As soon as I boarded the train I regretted my choice.

If it weren't for my stupid brothers who forced me to leave Durmstrang, and come with them I wouldn't be stuck in this position.

And yet here I am, sitting in a empty train compartment by myself. My brothers said I couldn't just skip my last two years of schooling. So they bribed me to come to this excuse for a train station, to ride a train to a school. A school everyone but one person at Durmstrang disapproves of, Coach Krum.

Coach Krum was very famous, but r retired his quidditch career after a bad hit from a bludger. He worked as a quidditch coach/mentor for people like me. Advanced quidditch players who wanted to improve. He said he only likes Hogwarts because two friends of his went there. He also mentioned something about that bloke Harry Potter. I think the real reason was a girl. He has a picture in his office of a bushy haired girl. She looked about 18, but now that he's forty, she would be in her thirty's.

He never did get married.

But anyway, my brothers bribed me to go them. They gave me a sleeping potion, apperated me, and when I woke up presented me with a firebolt 500 and a owl. Turns out they forgot my green pygmy puff, Derrik. But they bought me a new quaffle so I wouldn't jinx their heads off.

Suddenly, I heard a loud snap, a scream, and a thud. Pulling out my wand I walked to the door. Slowly sliding it open, I peeked out. A large hooded figure in dark robes. I felt like all the happiness had been sucked out of me. I remembered sitting by grandfather as he slowly faded away into death. I rembered getting the letter from Brittan's Ministry of Magic informing us that our parents had been killed in a Death Eater attack. I rembered my favorite uncle standing up to Voldemort, and a flash of green light. All the loss. All the pain. I felt like I would never love. Never experience happiness again.

A voice came out of no where, yelling. I saw white blond, and the tip of a wand.


A silver tiger sprouted out of the wand, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly thought of something happy, my new firebolt waiting for me in my trunk.

My silver and white snow leapord joined the tiger and growled at the dementor. The creature disappeared in a flurry of ash and coldness. I decided to let my Patronus stay with me. The lepord helped me stay positive and not think about the past.

The boy I had seen earlier was gone. I was startled, but things like that happened a lot at home. Since we lived up north, the night lasted longer. I had seen some weird creatures. One time when we had taken a holiday to Norway, my oldest brother had been lured away from the village by a female troll. For those of you who think a troll is a large, hairy, smelly beast here's a quick lesson.

There's two breeds of trolls. The southern and northern. The southern troll is well, a ugly, classic troll. The northern trolls however are different. The northern males are gentle, and are protectors of small bodies of water. This where the famous child's story "The Billy Goat" comes from. Northern trolls are gentle, but they have to eat like the rest of us. During WWI a bridge was bombed, and the troll protecting the river, well, he was pissed. He took revenge by eating goats.

I really don't know either. But anyway, the female northern trolls are extremely beautiful. They look like a Veela, but they are kindhearted. The only way to recognize a female troll, is to look for a tail. Female northern trolls have a cow's tail. They lure men away because, if the maiden troll can make a human male fall in love her, she will become a human. Love, no cows tail.

So my brother was a hormonal average 18 year old wizard. Once he saw a pretty lady dancing and singing by the waterfall, he was a goner. He started towards her, if my other brother, Fergus hadn't have jinxed him, a few moments later Farlan would have fallen off a small cliff overlooking the river.

Now that we're on that subject, here's my family. Right now it's just me, (the youngest) Fergus, (the smart one) and Farlan (the oldest). We have lots of extended family, but they all live in various parts of Europe, Greenland, and Russia.

So here I am now. A fourth year at some School called Hogwarts. Sitting alone on the train.

I saw the blond haired boy walk by again. He caught my eye, and I saw something glint in his. He kept walking, and a flashback glinted in my mind.

The train halted to a stop, and I stood to get my luggage. A boy with curly light brown hair opened my compartment.

"Let me help you with that," he said reaching for my luggage.

With a quick wave of my wand he yanked his hand back, as if he had touched something hot.

"Thanks, but I can handle myself just fine." I said picking up my suitcase, broom, and brown owl.

My owl Ceaf, hooted disapprovingly at the boy. As I brushed passed him.

"I'm Lucas by the way!" He called after me "Lucas Wood!"

As I stepped of the train I gasped, it was him. He was here. After all this time, we met again.

A/n I hoped you witches and wizards enjoy this! This is account is shared, so please remember that. Anna is written by a different person than who wrote this chapter. If you would like to talk to one of us in particular, please start your message with F for the writer of Faith and A for Anna's writer.

We will also do F or A when we send a DM, comment, or message.

Thank you for reading!

Unedited, Faith I

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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