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"Avia wake up" I open my eyes slightly to see my brother Cyr standing in front of my bed "mom's been calling you for ages you gonna be late!" He says shaking me, I groan "I'm up, I'm up" I say sitting up my brother leaves and I shower and change into my black nirvana shirt and ripped skinny jeans, I pull a red beanie over my brown hair and I shove my black converse. I grab an apple and sit on the kitchen island eating and then hug my mum "wheres Cyr?" i ask as i usually walk to school with my brother "he's already gone now go, go" she says shooing me out the door. It's a fifteen minute walk to school and I'm about halfway there when I see a black van driving towards me quiet fast, I assume someone is just in a rush and keep walking but then the van stops right beside me and two men, dressed in black wearing ski masks come out....shit shit shit shit not again. I keep walking and ready myself, one grabs my arms and i lunge my legs out in a attempt to kick him but the other guy grabs my legs and they put a cloth in my mouth to stop me from screaming and throw me in the back of the black van as soon as I'm inside the two guys get in after me and we speed off "Lucas be careful boss wants her alive and unharmed" says one of the men taking his mask off, revealing his face. He has light blue eyes and blonde hair which is messed up because of the mask, I'm not going to lie he was cute. "Well I'm sorry Zander but she is a target it's my job to get her not care for her" says the other man (who i assume is Lucas) taking off his mask, he had messy sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. Lucas looks about 20 maybe 21 and Zander looks more my age 18 or 19 maybe. "You dont need to see where we're going" says Lucas turning to me and before i can react he puts a black bag over my head.

After what feels like forever I feel my arm being pulled "c'mon" says a voice "unharmed remember Lucas" says Zander, I think "I don't really care" he says "yeah well boss does" suddenly i hear a third voice "stop it both of you" I don't recognize this voice it must be the driver "look" he says and suddenly I feel myself being lifted up and carried bridal style "see this solves the problem" says the voice "hmm nice job Caleb" says yet another voice this one seems to be from someone older "take her to her room" he says and a blast of warm air hits me as I assume we go inside...wherever we are.After a little bit of walking and being carried around by this guy I hear a door being opened and I am layed down on something soft. I don't dare move until whoever it is leaves....locking the door behind him. I then wait before pulling the bag off my face and looking around. I'm sat in the middle of a bed in what looks like a guest room. I run to the windows and see there are bars lining them, i try too look out the window but see nothing but trees, if i do somehow escape the probably know the woods better than i do, heck I don't even know where i am. Suddenly there's a knock on the door which makes me jump and Lucas comes in "I have to escort you to speak with my boss" he says and he waits for me to walk out the door the then leads me down the stairs and down a long hallway and then comes to a door and opens it. He gestures for me to go in first, when I do there is an older man looking out the window and Zander and another guy in the room, Lucas closes the door behind me. "Take a seat Miss gonzales" says the man at the window. I slowly walk and sit down in a seat far away from the zander, Lucas and the other boy. "I don't think you know why you are here do you?" says the man turning around and i shake my head. The man looks in his forties maybe older, his brown hair greying slightly. "well your father has something i want, I will speak with him tonight and we will then arrange a time for him to give me what i want and then you will be free, until then you will call me Calcifer, these are my boys Caleb and Lucas and Zander. You will stay in your guest room until it is time to eat, caleb will look after you as you are staying in the room next to his" says Calcifer I look up and get a good look at Caleb. He has black hair, and amazing blue eyes, he's quite tall and slender and he has slight stubble which just made me melt, to be honest he was gorgeous, he must of been the one carrying me earlier. The thought of that sends shivers up my spine "Miss gonzales are you listening?" says calcifer "y-yes" I say turning my attention back to calcifer "good so thats all the rules. Oh and don't try and escape or there will be trouble" he says and then turns to caleb and gestures towards the door "c'mon" says caleb, even his voice makes me melt....no I can't think like that. I stand up and he puts his hand on my arm guiding me out the door and down to the guest room before leaving and locking the door. I flop on the bed, thinking about my family Cyr would've told them that I wasn't at school and they would now if been taken, because of my fathers job i've been targeted for kidnappings before so has my brother, they seem to go for me more though. Would they have sent people searching for me and what about my sisters Avery and Sara what are my parents going to tell they are only seven, and my dog Merlin we usually leave him with a dog until i get home from school because my dad is overseas and my mom works all day. My dad....would he come home if he heard i was gone? why am i even here? calcifer said my father had something he wanted. I feel overwhelmed and pull the covers over me my mind still buzzing with thoughts.

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