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I wake up to someone knocking on my door, I sit up sleepily. "come in" I say getting up and out of the bed, Caleb opens the door and leans against the door frame, he hooks his thumbs through the loops on his jeans which are loosely hanging off him, the top of his Calvin Kleins sticking up over the top of his jeans hugging his v-line, my eyes travel up his body and see he isn't wearing a shirt and that he actually has quite a nice body his hair is ruffled and it looks like he just got out of bed and came over here. I immediately let my eyes fall to the floor and shake the thought out of my head. "Breakfast" says Caleb he still has morning voice which makes him sound quite sexy, shit what is wrong with me!

I walk behind him to the dining hall and sit on an empty chair, Lucas across from me zander at one end of the table Calcifer at the other. Caleb sits in the only empty chair, the one next to me "Caleb shirt" says Calcifer  and caleb looks down at himself as if he's forgotten he wasn't wearing one before standing up and leaving he comes back in a few moments later wearing a maroon tee which hugs him tightly shows off his muscles. "Izzy" says calcifer and a red headed girl comes in, she sees me sitting next to Caleb and shoots me a look before filling everyone's cups up with tea, she then disappears and comes back with food putting a plate in front of everyone except me, I stay quiet not sure if i should say anything. "Father Izzy hasn't given Avia her food" says Zander and everyone stops eating and looks at me, caleb looks from my plate, to me, to the door Izzy went through "what the hell is she doing" he says before standing up and going through the door. I don't hear much of the conversation but when Caleb comes out he is followed by Izzy who is looking very small and defeated, she puts a plate down in front of me and i stare at it not believing what just happened "you can eat" says caleb snapping me out of my thoughts and I pick up my fork and being eating. "Now miss gonzales i spoke to your father last night, he said he will be able to give me what i want on friday, that's six days from now you will stay with us until then, we have provided you with new clothes they will be in your room when you get back, Now if you behave like you have from now on you might be able to roam the house freely if you promise to not excape" says Calcifer and I nod, six days, six days till my freedom.

After breakfast I'm brought back to my room by Caleb and left there. For a while i sit on the large window sill in silence looking out the window, until i hear a knock on the door and it's opened before i can even say anything "I'm sorry to disturb you Miss Gonzales, but i have a bit of sudden news to share with you" Says Calcifer as he sits on the couch at the other end of the room gesturing for me to sit with him, I slowly stand up and make my way over to him "I wasn't expecting this news, given our circumstances. I have just found out that my sister, Caleb and Zanders mother and Lucas's aunt, will be coming over from london on business, since her sons are here she wants to spend time with them and she will be staying here with us for a week" wait so Caleb, Zander and Lucas aren't brothers? I guess that explains why Caleb and Zander both have darker hair than Lucas and Calcifer. I was a little surprised by him telling me this, i figured this isn't the only guest room in the house so why is he worried about me "If you are worried about me getting in the way I promise not to leave this room until it is time for me to leave permanently" I say. The deal had been made between calcifer and my father that i would be given back to my family on friday that's six days from today now.

"Thats not the problem Miss gonzales, you have been behaving very well and we haven't had to punish you yet and i doubt we ever will, no the problem is she wants this room as it was her bedroom before and it's the one closest to her son's room" Calcifer explains, it took a minute for my brain to process what he was implying, she wanted this room, the room i was being held in so where was i meant to go? "We do have other available guest rooms but i want you placed near Caleb since i have placed you in his care until your father gets me what it want" Calcifer says answering my unsaid question as if he could read my mind "so what are you going to do?" I ask quietly and calcifer looks away thinking. "There aren't many options, it might come down to you and caleb sharing a room until you leave" he says. My eyes widen is he seriously asking me to sleep in the same room as one if my kidnappers? is he on drugs? or is he just crazy? "What?!" I say "I know it's unthinkable but please Avia I am desperate here. You will be locked in his room the same way you are in here, Caleb will rarely be in there and there is a couch that you can sleep on" he says pleading. That's the first time he has actually said my first name I sit there and think for a minute, i guess i have no choice i mean Calcifer is actually taking care of me, he isn't beating me, he is feeding me and if i disagree I guess he could kill me. "Fine" I say what other choice do i have? Calcifer's face lights up "brilliant! I will inform caleb and we will get you set up in his room" he says leaving me alone again. I pull my knees to my chest and rest my head on my knees wishing i could be at home and safe from these loonatics.


After a little while after we've had dinner, I hear what sounds like arguing coming from downstairs and then the sound of a door slamming, I go to the window and see Caleb getting onto a motorcycle and driving off. I'm guessing calcifer told him about the room situation, Caleb didn't look like he liked the idea anymore than i did. After a moment there's a knock on the door, I sigh before standing up and walking over to answer it. When i open the door i see Calcifer on the other side "Sorry to disturb you Miss gonzales but I have to move you into Caleb's room tonight. My sister called and said she will be arriving tomorrow" he says and I nod and grab the big bag of clothes Calcifer gave me "so caleb agreed then" I say carrying the bag down the hall to Caleb's room "reluctantly as you probably heard" says calcifer sighing before opening the door and letting me inside caleb's room. He shuts the door behind me and I look around. His room looks like a normal teenage boys room, clothes on the floor, a few CDs and DVDs lying around a large wall mounted TV with a Xbox and a PS4 on a small table underneath the TV. I put my bag down next to the couch and grab cotton shorts and a loose tank top, they'll do for pjs for now maybe i can ask Calcifer to let me go shopping oh well. I grab the blanket and pillow that's sitting beside the couch for me and i place the pillow at one end of the couch and pull the blanket over me falling asleep.

I wake up to the sound of heavy footsteps and then i hear the door open and close loudly, i close my eyes again knowing it's just Caleb when i feel someone poke me "what the hell?" I say and i sit up seeing caleb standing there "what are you doing?" he asks "sleeping" I say "why on the couch?" he asks "um 'cos I'm a hostage" I say "get up" he says "what, why?" I say confused but caleb just sighs and picks me up bridal style "Caleb what are you doing?!" I say he doesn't say anything he just puts me down on his bed and then goes over to the couch and flops down...what the fuck!? "why did you just do that?" I ask but caleb just moans "just sleep" he says and i lay down in his bed confused. First he gets me food when Izzy 'forgets' and then he gives me his bed and he sleeps on the couch when he didn't seem to happy about us sharing a room. What on earth is going on with this boy?

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