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The next day caleb goes back to pretending I wasn't there. Which would be completely fine with me if he didn't kiss me with no explanation and then give me his shirt to sleep in, I was so confused was this some kind of game to him?   I sigh and run my hands through my hair, when will this madness end. As if on cue Merial comes in with a stack of magazines "Avia! I've been looking for you! We need to discuss your birthday" she says sitting next to me and plopping the pile of magazines on the table. Now I am thinking since its your eighteenth we should do something big, but none of that teenage getting drunk and high rubbish, no I am thinking we invite the whole of my family and we have a ball. OH! And you and caleb can announce your relationship to everyone" she exclaims getting excited "um that all sounds amazing Merial but you don't have to do this" I say not really wanting this big party she is planning "Oh hush it's the least we can do since your family are away" Yeah they are totally "away" I think to myself.
"Well let's look in these magazines to see what you would like" says Merial picking up a magazine from the pile.

Time skip

Calebs P.O.V
What have I done, I fucking kissed Avia and then gave her my shirt. I am such an idiot, there is no denying that she is beautiful and with the way we have to act with eachother now is driving me insane. I'm not even sure why! She is a hostage, nothing more than that. So why did I kiss her? Why did I want her to sleep in my shirt? Why do I suddenly feel like this?
I've been ignoring her all day to avoid doing something stupid again.
I've been alone in my room most of the day until Avia knocks lightly before coming in. "Hey" she says softly, God her voice was amazing Ugh I gotta stop thinking like that. I gave her a glance but said nothing and went back to looking at my phone "whatever" she said looking through her clothes for something to sleep in, when she didn't find anything she sighed heavily, grabbed the shirt I gave her and headed for the bathroom. I let my gaze follow her every movement before mentally slapping myself and going back to watching the YouTube video I am trying to pay attention to.
A few moments later Avia comes out the bathroom wearing my top which look 10 times bigger on her, honestly she looked adorable, the long sleeves on the shirt giving her sweater paws, the bottom of the shirt coming down just above her knees. She looked up and caught me staring "What?" I said nothing and went back to my phone. "Urgh fine then ignore me" she says obviously pissed. Since I'm sitting on the bed she goes and sits on the couch "mind if I turn the Tv on?" She asks and I just grunt in response. "I'm taking that as a yes" she says grabbing the remote and sticking some random TV show on.
About an hour later I take my headphones out and look at the time 12:35. I get up and take my shirt and jeans off leaving me in boxers. I'm about to sleep when I realise that Avia is still watching the TV "can you turn that off" I say and she doesn't respond, what is she ignoring me too now? I groan in annoyance and walk over to the couch "i said can you-" I stop mid sentence when I realise that she's asleep. Something about her just made me want to sit next to her and cuddle....I swear I wasn't going to something just took over me. I sat next to her and pulled her closer to me, in her sleepy state i guess she didn't realise it was me because she nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck and one of her hands places itself on my bare chest. I turn the TV off and start running my hands through her hair. Her fingers start to subconsciously draw random shapes on my skin. I sigh in content before saying "I love you" I then freeze. Shit did I just say that, maybe she didn't hear me. But then Avias eyes snap open and she pushes herself off of me. "What?!" She says.
I did something stupid again.

A/N: sorry for taking a billion years to update this but I had writers block for the longest time and then school came up but I am back!

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