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"Hello?" All three of them turned to the voice as they held their breaths but it began choking them when they realized it wasn't the sweet voice of their Giselle. It was a man's voice and they felt like they were punched in their stomachs. "Who's this?"

"Um, is Giselle not there?" Zach asked, trying to sound even and not let his anger or sadness pour into the tone of his voice.

"She is in the kitchen. May I know who's this so I can-

"Can you tell me who you are? No offense?"

"Oh, I'm her neighbour, I'm here to collect the project she helped my child with." and they all breathed a sigh of relief at once. And Zach almost danced with glee.

"Can you hand the phone to her?" He asked him, trying not to bother with the glances he was getting from the other guys.

"Sure, hang on," and a few seconds later, with a lot of background noise in the kitchen, there was a shift and then a sweet voice poured out of his phone. "Hello? Who's this?"

"Giselle, hi," Zach's voice was as soft as his smile. Yousuf kicked him and Xavier was grumbling to himself but he focused on the sweet, honeyed voice of Giselle.

"Zach?" Confusion, anger, frustration? He didn't know the tone of her voice. "What do you want?"

"Can you...can you pick me up from the bar?" He tried to slur and act drunk though he was now sobered up.


"Baby, I-"

"Two months later and you think I'm at your beck and call just because-"

"Baby, listen, I need to talk to you."


"Please-" Yousuf grabbed his phone and hung up before taking out his phone, ringing her. Of course, before she could answer, Zach pulled his phone from and hung up. In the meanwhile, Xavier called and she picked up but before he could say anything, his phone went dead.

Zach and Yousuf started cackling like mad men that they were and Xavier joined. It was like nature was trying to stop them from disturbing the poor girl. They had no right to barge into her life after letting her down like, and yet, they wished that she'd call back and would listen to them.

Zach stopped chuckling, he blew a raspberry. He turned to the guys, "Who must be her favourite?"

"Among us?" Yousuf furrowed his brows before smirking, "Obviously me. Our chemistry was something else."

"You don't have this face, baby boy," Zach pointed at himself. "No one can swipe left on me."

"Excuseee me, but I personally think that when was with me, she was on cloud nine," Yousuf's smirk widened. "She went out of her way for me, she downright ghosted you, Mr. Pretty face."

Zach scoffed, "Puh-lease, do you think with anything other than your dick or about anything other than your dick?"

"That's what every small dick guy says-"

"Mine is six point five inches, excuse you!" Zach let out an offended gasp.

"Mid," Yousuf made a funny face. "Mine is nearly eight and the girth? You can only dream of it-"

Zach snorted in utter disbelief, "Okay, dramatic size queen."

"If I'm a size queen, you're a drag queen-"

"Are you sure you both are not gay? Or bisexual?" Xavier piped in, cutting their banter off.

"Here comes the macho man," Yousuf stuck out his tongue.

Xavier flipped him, "Unlike you, gay boy."

"He called you "gay boy"! I cannot-" Zach started cackling, holding his stomach because the offended expression on Yousuf's face was not letting him breathe.

"And you're a twink," Yousuf turned back to Zach.

"Twink? Twink?! You're just jealous, gay boy-"

Rolling his eyes, Xavier tuned out their banter and tried to reach for his phone before letting out a string of curses when he remembered that the battery died. He just wanted to get on his bike and go home. But Molly would kill him if she didn't move out yet. And he couldn't take that risk if he wanted to be alive. But neither was he in a state to ride nor did he felt like it was his home anymore. He wanted to go back to Giselle. But he couldn't do anything except listen to these motherfuckers banter outside a bar like a homeless idiot.

His thoughts came to a screeching halt as a familiar car stopped in front of them. Then he saw two fluffy bunny slippers, his eyes raked upward at the watermelon patterned shorts. He gulped as his eyes went upwards and saw a white tank top covered with a green cardigan before he saw the sexy neck of his ex and almost wanted to feel it with his lips, then came those even leaf shaped lips, a button nose and then, he sobered up as he saw the glaring eyes of his ex. There stood Giselle Park with her hands on her hips, her entire being demanding explanation at seeing three of her exes at one place, ringing her one after another. Yousuf visibly flinched and Zach hid behind him. They weren't wrong when they said hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

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