Lonely Echoes: Reflections of an Only Child

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I sit and watch, a silent observer
As laughter and whispers weave a tapestry of memories so dear
My mother's sisters, a chorus of shared delight
Their bond, a treasure trove of stories, shining bright

I see the way they tease, the way they tease each other's hair
The way they share secrets, and whisper words beyond compare
Their laughter echoes through the halls, a symphony so sweet
A melody of sisterhood, that my heart can't repeat

My cousin's siblings, a brood of rowdy delight
Their squabbles and giggles, a soundtrack to their night
Their brothers spoil them rotten, with treats and toys galore
While their sisters teach them secrets, of makeup and more

I watch and wonder, as I sit alone in my chair
A only child, with no siblings to share
No one to whisper secrets, no one to share my pain
No one to understand me, no one to ease the ache in vain

Oh, to have a sibling's love, a bond so strong and true
To have someone who understands me, through all that I go through
But alas, I'm alone, with only memories of my own
A solitary figure, with no one to call my own

The memories of childhood fade like autumn leaves in the wind
Leaving me with emptiness, that can never be mended
The ache within me grows, a hollowed-out space in my chest
A longing for something more, that I can never possess

Oh, for the love of siblings, the bond that only they can share
For the laughter and the tears, the memories beyond compare
But alas, I'm an only child, with no siblings to call mine
A solitary figure, with a heart that's left behind.

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