Chapter One: The Storm

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How do I even begin to write about the events that have happened over the past couple days of my life? I guess I should start with saying a few things about myself. My name is Jack Turner. I never met my father, and my mother abandoned me to run off with some guy when I was very young, so I ended up in foster care until I turned 18. After school, I looked for work. Since I lived in Halifax Nova Scotia, I was able to find work on a fishing boat.

It was hard work, and sometimes the weather we went out in could be a little choppy, but it was a paying job, so I was happy to have it I suppose. Anyway, one really cold day in February the forecast was calling for a pretty bad storm, but we were behind on our quota for cod fish, and the captain was certain that we could be back before the storm.

We left the harbour and went out to sea for a few hours. We hadn't caught much, so the captain kept pushing us to go farther out in spite of the approaching storm. Anyway, the storm eventually caught up to us, and things got intense.

We had been out in storms before, but nothing compared to this. It's hard for me to remember what all happened, as it all happened so fast. The way I remember it, we had almost no time to react. The boat capsized, and I was thrown overboard. There was a lot of stuff thrown into the water from the boat. I was extremely lucky to find a life preserver floating close to me, so I held on to it for my life.

I have no idea how long the storm lasted, but it seamed like forever. Eventually the storm died down and I looked around me to see if anyone else had survived, but all I could see were a few crates, and random debris from the boat. I never saw anyone else from the boat.

I kept looking around until something caught my eye on the horizon. It looked like land. I wondered if it were maybe an off shore island. Either way, it was land, and a way out of this freezing cold water.

I began to swim towards land. After I swam for what seemed like an hour, I was loosing feeling in my body, and my muscles were getting very soar. I couldn't stop though. I had to keep going, so I did. I swam until I felt the ground underneath my feet. It was almost nightfall. I pushed the life preserver aside and crawled the rest of the way to shore until I reached the beach which was covered in snow. I didn't remember anything else before I blacked out....

A/N I hope you will keep reading and vote on this story.

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