Chapter Three: The Hidden Host

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Okay, I got the notebook back. I think I will just call it a journal at this point. Anyway, what happened last night was really strange. I decided to go to bed after my dinner. I went upstairs, got in bed and tried to get some sleep.

I was really quite tired, and I don't know if I just wasn't used to the bed or if it was my uneasiness about the island, but I was having difficulty getting to sleep. After laying in bed for some time. I herd a sound coming from the roof. It started almost above me. It sounded like somebody walking slowly across it towards the side of the cabin roof above a window which was five or six feet away from the side of my the bed. Then to my horror, by the light of the moon, I saw two hands slowly reach down and quietly start to pull the window upwards.

This was the first I had seen of another person on the island, so I stayed quiet so as not to scare whoever it was away.

Once the window was opened fully, I just waited to see what would happen next. After a few moments, I saw a hand reach down again. It was holding something. A book. It reached down and gently placed the book on the windowsill. Again, I waited to see what would happen next. I must have waited a couple of minuets, but nothing happened.

It was starting to get cold from the window being open, so I cautiously got out of bed and approached the open window to close it. On the windowsill, I saw the journal. I picked it up and slowly poked my head out the window looking up to see if someone was still there. I tried to prepare myself for whatever would be there, but I wasn't prepared for nothing at all. As I stared up into the empty abyss of the night, I herd the creaking noise of the door from downstairs.

I was so startled that I slammed my head against the window. It hurt pretty bad but I barely gave it much thought as I herd the door close shut. I quickly closed the window and hid under the bed. I was able to somewhat see the room below me through the floorboards. There was enough light that I could see something moving across the floor towards the stairs. Then, I heard the stairs start to creak as they bore the weight of something that began to ascend to the top of the stairs.

I waited it absolute horror watching for who or whatever it was to appear at the top of the stairs. I did not have to wait long. I saw the silhouette of a small animal climb up past the top step. It must have saw me right away, as it instantly came over to me.

The cat sniffed my face for a second. Its whiskers tickled my face. Then it started sniffing the top of my head and then started to lick my head which was still really sore from hitting it against the window. I'm sure most people know that cats tongues are really scratchy. Anyway, It was making the pain in my head worse, so I gently pushed it aside and crawled out from under the bed.

I got back into bed, and immediately the cat jumped into the bed beside me. It sat on my chest and started purring which really helped to put my mind at ease. One thing I did notice however is that the cat was oddly cold.

Anyway, that's an update on what happened last night. This morning, I woke up to the sound and smell of bacon frying in the kitchen below me. I also noticed that the cat was gone as well as the white cloak which I hung on the side of the headboard yesterday.

As I contemplated how I would attempt to greet whoever was cooking downstairs, I considered that whoever lives here must be pretty shy considering the lengths they have gone to not be seen.

As carefully as I could, I pushed the bed covers aside and slowly climbed out of bed. Then, I got down on the floor and looked through the floorboards to try and see who was in the kitchen.

I saw someone. For the second time since I arrived on the island. I saw what seemed to be a human person. It looked like a young woman. She had the hood of the cloak over her head, but I could see her raven black hair hanging loosely out the opening. I couldn't see her face, as she was looking down at a nearly cooked pan of eggs. She was also barefoot and not much taller than a child. The oddest thing about her was her skin. She was mostly covered by the cloak, but her hands and feet were nearly as white as snow. I literally have never seen someone so pale in my entire life.

I slowly got up and tiptoed over to the stairs. I slowly began to sneak down the stairs, but as I slowly applied my weight to the second step, it creaked quite noticeably. As soon as the board creaked, I heard the cabin door open and shut.

At this point there was no point in being quiet, so I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door. I looked outside, but there was nothing to see except for the snow-covered forest that surrounded the cabin.

I then figured I would just eat breakfast. Everything was basically ready at that point. There was only enough food for one person, so I assumed she was just cooking it for me. I went back upstairs to grab the journal, so I could bring it up to date while I eat breakfast.

It would be really nice to meet whoever lives on this island. I honestly can't imagine why they should be scared of me.

Okay, someone defiantly took this journal last night. Somebody was writing on the next page. I will have to read it, and then I will start writing again on the next.

Hello, Jack Turner.

You are the first visitor we have ever had on this island. I have been living here with my family for nineteen years in a much bigger house a few kilometres away from this cabin. This cabin belongs to my parents, but they haven't been in it in quite some time, so I kind of took it for myself.

I hope you don't mind but I read what you wrote in this notebook. I'm sorry to hear things aren't going very well for you. Please feel free to stay here as long as you need. However, if you would like transportation back home, let me know, and I can help you with that. Otherwise, you will be trapped here, as we are quite a distance out in the Atlantic Ocean.

I understand you are very confused about why I have been hiding from you. The reason why is because we are vary different people. That is why we live out here. I don't want to scare you. I have honestly never met anyone outside of my family, as we have to keep to ourselves to protect the secret of our existence.

If you are up to it, I'd actually like to meet you personally. For now, please try not to wander far from this cabin. If my parents found you here, they would probably have your memory wiped, and send you home. I'm not kidding. My mom can actually do that, so please don't get caught.

If you want, we can also just use this journal to communicate with each other if you are more comfortable with that.

There's a lot of pretty cool things to do on the island, even in the winter. I can show you around if you want. It would be awesome to have someone new to hang out with.

Please leave this journal on the kitchen table before nightfall. I will be back around that time to check on you and see what you want to do. Until then, there are lots of books on the shelf by the door. I hope you find one that you enjoy as much as I have enjoyed them. I also left you some of my dad's clothes in the bathroom, so you can change into something clean.

Until we meet, or I here from you next

Sincirally Luna Rodgers

P.S. If you don't like that I have been reading what you are writing in here, then don't leave this notebook out on the kitchen table tonight, and maybe we can find some other way to communicate. That way, I will know whether I have your consent or not.

Okay, back to me again, and yes. Luna, if you are reading this, then I would love to meet you. I will do as you suggested and try to find a book to read. I hope to see you soon. It would be very nice to finally know who has helped me to survive on this island. Thank you for that by the way.

Now, back to the journal. I didn't actually do much today. I ate breakfast, took a shower, and changed into some clean clothes, which was nice for a change. I spent most of the afternoon reading which was kind of boring.

Eventually, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see who was there, but when I looked out, nobody was there. There was however a frying pan with two fish in it. They were already cleaned and prepared to cook. I took them inside and fried them on the stove. After that, it was getting dark, so I changed into some flannel night clothes that were left in the bathroom earlier and decided to make my way upstairs for the night. I will leave this journal on the table, and see what happens tomorrow.

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