Chapter Two: The Island

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I woke up next to a blazing fire. It appeared to be some time in the morning, but it was really cloudy, so the sun was barely visible. I have no idea how the fire got there. I wondered if perhaps there were more survivors, so I looked around to see if there was anyone near by.

I also had an old blanket which someone must have thrown on me. As I pulled it off and set it aside, I wondered where it came from. Everything from the ship would have been soaked. Anyway I looked around, and all I could see was the fire beside me on the beach about twenty or thirty feet from the shore. About ten feet from me there was a forest of pine trees that lined the shore. Nobody was anywhere in sight, and the fire looked like it had been tended to a few times throughout the night.

I thought to myself that whoever started the fire might have gone looking for food or shelter. I got up to do the same. "Maybe I'll run into whoever survived the storm with me," I thought.

I was pretty cold still, as my clothes had not completely dried out yet, so I wrapped myself in the blanket and walked into the forest.

As I pushed the branches away, it gently began to snow again. I called out to see if anyone was near, but I got no reply. I continued to walk through the forest. I would have thought it seemed majestic if it weren't so cold. I had to find shelter though, so I kept climbing over fallen trees and rocks, and pushing past branches were the trees were too narrow for me to pass between.

I wondered if I should return to the fire in case anyone returned, and I was about to head back, but before I turned around, something caught my eye. As I gazed through the trees, I saw a white cloak hanging from a dense cluster of pine trees. A breeze was gently blowing past it. I walked over to examine it.

There was a soft layer of snow on it, so I picked it up and shook it off to have a better look at it. I wondered if maybe it were left by someone for me to fallow. Not but a few seconds after I lifted the cloak from the tree, I heard a low growl from behind me.

I was honestly kind of terrified, but I slowly turned around to face whatever made the sound. Standing about five feet or so in front of me was a black wolf. When I say it was black, I mean it was completely black except for its white teeth.

Frozen in fear, I didn't dare to move. The wolf stoped baring it's teeth and seamed more curious than hungry. It slowly approached me and sniffed my hand. It snorted or sneezed, and then it drew back a little. Then it came forward again, grabbed the cloak out of my hand with its mouth, and slid under the patch of pine trees with it.

I was curious as to why the wolf wanted the cloak so I thought to fallow it or see where it went. I pushed through the trees, but when I got to the other side, nothing was there. I looked down and saw some footprints in the snow from the wolf.

I thought that maybe the wolf was tame and belonged to someone who lived on the island, so I thought it might be a good idea to fallow it and see if the footprints would lead me to the inhabitants home. I started to fallow the footprints, however; after a short distance from the trees behind me, the wolf footprints stopped and another set of prints started. They appeared to be human. I honestly didn't know what to think of the footprints at this point, but I kept fallowing to see where they lead to.

I fallowed the footprints through the forest. I wondered who could be out here in this cold without any shoes. I wondered what kind of people live here, and how they would respond to an outsider. I tried to think about anything to keep my mind off of the cold, but it was getting harder to do so with every minuet. My feet were freezing, and I could barely move my hands. Eventually I saw a structure through the trees in the distance. As I got closer, I realized it was a log cabin. The footprints I was following lead right up to the steps of the front porch.

It was an old cabin. Even though it looked as if it had seen many winters, it was well kept. There was smoke coming from the chimney. I was hoping that whoever lived here would let me come inside and get warm, so I went up the stairs and knocked firmly on the door. I had no idea what to expect as far as who would answer it, but I didn't expect nothing at all. I knocked again and even a third time, but nothing happened. I was very cold at this point, so I tried the doorknob, and to my relief, it was not locked. I went inside hoping that the inhabitant would not be angry with me.

I saw a roaring fire in the fireplace. I closed the door, cast the blanket I had wrapped around me aside, and was immediately in front of the fire. As I warmed myself, I looked around the room. The whole downstairs area was just one room, except for the bathroom that was off to the corner of the cabin. To the right of the fire, I saw a kitchen/ dining room, behind me there were a few chairs and a sofa, behind the sofa was a billiards table, behind the billiards table were stairs going up to the loft, and to the left, was a couple of book shelves and a gun cabinet. There was an old clock above the fireplace. It read twelve minuets past two in the afternoon.

After I had warmed myself up a bit, I wanted to look around. I walked over to the kitchen area. There was a long window stretching about six feet or so across the wall on this side of the cabin, and outside, I saw an array of solar panels witch makes sense, as there was a refrigerator and some other electrical appliances around the cabin. I used the washroom quickly, hoping the owner wouldn't come back while I was in there, as that would have been awkward.

After I came out, I saw an open notebook on the table beside a pen and an apple. I could have sworn there was nothing on the table before. I walked over to the notebook and saw that someone had written in it. "Please make yourself at home." As much as it kind of freaked me out that someone is sneaking around and probably watching me, at least I know that my presence here isn't an issue. There was nothing else written on the page. I turned it and there was something written on the next. "How did you get here?"

I was getting pretty hungry at this point, so I grabbed the apple and took a bite. I figured I would write down an explanation on why I was here, and when I got to the part were I arrived on the island, I had a feeling I should keep going. There seams to be something odd about this island, but I can't figure out what it is, yet. I will keep writing down what happens next. Anyway, that brings my up to date.

I think I hear something upstairs. I will go look up there, and I'll wright about what I see later.

Okay, so I looked upstairs, and it's all just one bedroom up there. On the bed, I saw the white cloak again from earlier. At least it looked like the one I saw earlier today if it wasn't the same. I saw something moving underneath it, so I picked it up.

It was a black cat, and it wasn't happy to see me. It hissed at me and ran downstairs. I had a good look at the cloak. It was very plane, had no pockets or anything special about it except for one thing. There were small initials stitched into it with gold coloured thread. They read L.R. I hung the cloak on the headboard of the bed and went back downstairs.

I didn't see the cat anywhere downstairs, so it must have hidden itself really well. Cats do that I suppose. I occupied myself with the billiards table and looked through the library to see what kind of books there were. Eventually it started to get dark out, and this whole time, the owner of the cabin was nowhere to be seen.

I stepped outside to grab some more firewood, as the fire was dying down quite a bit. After that, I looked inside the refrigerator to see what was in there to eat. I found some cooked salmon, and a bowl of macaroni and cheese that I hoped nobody would miss too much. I heated my supper in the kitchen microwave and sat down at the table to eat. I noticed that the notebook was missing.

I know that I left that notebook on the table, so somebody had to have taken it, which is strange, because I haven't seen a single person on this island yet. Somebody has been sneaking around me doing all these little things for me, and going out of their way to remain hidden. I feel really uneasy about all this....

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