Chapter 15: Hot Chocolate

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Looking at the beautiful golden flora wedding card, Autumn slipped it onto her shopping cart. Her gaze instantly fell to another one with puppies. And that's soo cute too! And we of course need some of the more humorous choices. Her gaze landed on a card with a topple wedding cake. Grabbing it, she chuckled at the sight. Why do I have a feeling Heather might love this one?

Something cold brushed against her shirt. With wide eyes, Autumn staggered back as the elderly woman pulled her hand away. Despite Autumn's startled look, the woman just smiled. "How far along are you?"

Autumn blinked, not quite sure if the woman had done what she thought. "Um...fifteen weeks?"

"That's good. I still remember when I just had my daughter." She nodded to her bump. "They say if the baby is sitting low then it'll be a boy."

"Oh, um ...thanks?" Autumn cleared her throat. "I should...get going?" She pointed behind her. "See you later." Without a second thought, she turned and hurried deeper into the store. As she came across a crock pot, she jumped when another voice spoke up.

"You knew that woman?"

Clenching her chest, she sighed when it was just Gian. "Geez don't scare me like that and no, I don't know the woman."

Gian raised an eyebrow. "So do strangers just randomly touch pregnant woman bumps then?"

Autumn grimace. "I hope not." She didn't care for the idea. She glanced up at the aisle. tag. Cookware. "Well, at least I ended up in the aisle I needed to."

She pointed to a five hundred dollar stand mixture. "I don't suppose you want to go half on this with me?" At Gian's raised eyebrow she stuck out her lip in a small pout. "Come on, we both know it's going to sit in the cabinet gathering dust."

Gian snorted.

"Seriously, when was the last time you saw Kyle or Heather cook?" She raised her eyebrow and waited.

Gian's lips parted. "Well, there was....I mean...when you...alright, we can go half on the mixer."

"Yes!" She pumped her fist. "Perfect."

Rolling his eyes, Gian moved to grab the stand mixture. "Why do they even have this thing on the registry?"

"Knowing Heather, she probably let mom take over halfway through." As they made their way to the cash register, she pulled out her half of the money. "But I'm glad I bumped into you. I was just looking at some wedding cards for inspiration."

Gian eyed the twenty something cards in her cart. "Some wedding cards huh?"

"Ok, so maybe I was looking at a good bit of them." Her face flushed at Gian's laugh. "Ok, point is, I have some cards I want you to look at."

"Alright, alright."

As the cashier handed them the receipt, she smiled. "Congratulations."

Autumn frowned. What? The cashier nodded to her. "To the newest addition."

Oh! Her lips parted, ready to correct the mistake when Gian grabbed the mixer. "Thanks, come on love."

Wait, what? She nearly startled as he led her out the store. No sooner than the doors closed, he dropped her hand and booked it. He did not just..."Gian!" She called, chasing his laughing form. Reaching his car, she smacked his arm playfully. The cold air brushed her skin as she watched him tuck the mixer into his car trunk.

"What was that?" She huffed. "Now she thinks we're a thing."

"You're going to be correcting people all day." Gian shut his trunk. "Trust me, it's best to ignore it."

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