Chapter 16: Hope

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Pounding fist startled Autumn awake from her dream. What the...With a glance at her clock, she grabbed her robe and slipped into the living room. Looking through the peephole, she threw the door open. "What are you knocking here at seven in the morning?" Autumn cried.

Heather grabbed her shoulders. "Is it true?"

Blinking, Autumn pulled her robe tighter around herself ."Is what true?"

"You and Gian kissed!"

"It was to get a good deal!" She pointed a finger at her. "There wasn't anything behind it."

Even now the words sounded weak in her ears. And Heather could tell too from the way her own smile was practically blooming across her face.

Groaning, Autumn shook her head. "Heather."

"You like him!" She cried. "You like Gian!"

Shaking her head, Autumn turned away from her. "No, no, I don't." She refused to look at her. "You know why I can't like him, Heather."

"So he's the father to your child!" Heather cried. "This is a good thing, Autumn. Gian will adore that child more than anything. You see how he is with Meadow and the twins."

"And what if he gets bored?" She turned to Heather. "You saw what happened to mom and dad! What makes you think he'll be that way forever?"

"What makes you think he'll be that way in the first place?" Heather frowned. "Not everyone is like that, Autumn."

Biting her lip, Autumn turned away. Fighting a sigh, she knew she could no longer deny it. "Alright, I like Gian ok?" She pointed a finger at Heather. "But I'm still not telling him about the baby."

"Fine, don't tell him about the baby but at least give him a chance, Autumn."

Biting her lip, Autumn sighed. "Alright." She bruised her stomach. "Fine, I'll think about it."


Autumn rolled her eyes at her smile. "You came over here in the morning to ask me that?"

"That and to make sure my little niece or nephew is doing ok." She waved at Autumn's stomach. "Hello."

"They still can't hear you," Autumn sighed, rubbing her belly. "And how did you know we kissed anyways?"

"Gian told Kyle and he told me." Heather beamed. "And I knew I had to come over here to convince you not to do something crazy."

Autumn pouted. "I wasn't going to do anything crazy."

"Yeah, right." Heather narrowed her eyes. "You tend to self sabotage."

Autumn gasped. "I do not!"

"Yes, you do." Heather folded her arms. "Your longest relationship was six months and you ended it because he decided to go vegan."

"I wasn't going to spend time cooking two meals!"

"Admit it!" Heather pointed at her. "You self sabotage!"

Autumn folded her arms and turned away from her. "Is this the only reason you decided to show up so early at my doorstep?" She was not going to admit to self sabotaging, no matter how much her sister wanted to. "Because if so then I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Actually, Willow wants to join us to check out the florist shops."

"What?" She frowned. "Did you agree to it?"

"Well, yeah." Heather shrugged her shoulders. "You are the maid of honor. The least I could do is let her join us."

"Oh," Autumn nodded. "Alright then." She rubbed her belly. "Then I guess she can come."

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