Chapter 17: Dress Fitting

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Even with Autumn's feelings in the air, it seemed that Gian was not feeling the same. Between longing glances at her phone and no replies to her emails, she was starting to worry that maybe he had tucked tails and ran away after all. The thought followed her all throughout the week, leaving her trying not to cry at her sister's dressing rehearsal.

Pulling up in front of The Beautiful Bride to be, Autumn took a few deep breaths. Alright, today is Heather's day. Do not focus on Gian at all. She took some tissues from her glove box, something that was starting to be used everyday, and dabbed at her eyes. With one last breath, the car door slammed shut behind her.

The bell gave a light chime as she entered the room. Instantly, a server turned their attention to her. "Champagne?" As he lowered the tray, Autumn quickly shook her head. "Um, not thanks."

Her hand cupped her bump causing the server to quickly realize his error. "Oh wait, you're pregnant. I am so sorry!"

With a slight chuckle, Autumn waved the mistake away. "Don't worry, you're fine."

Still the server's face was a nice flushed pink. "I can get you some water if you would like."

"Autumn, there you are." They both turned to her sister who was yelling halfway across the store.

Autumn gave the server a reassuring smile. "Water would be lovely." With him surrying off, she made her way to her family. With a quick hug to Willow and her mother, she sat on the seat. "Alright, let's see this amazing dress you decided to pick without us."

"Oh, shush. You guys are going to love it anyway." Beaming, Heather stepped off the mini stage. "Wait right there." Autumn watched her make her way to the back.

"Any word from Gian yet?" Willow whispered.

Autumn shook her head. "I think he's avoiding me."

Her eyes widened. "What makes you say that?"

"Because suddenly we go from talking so much to not at all?" Autumn pouted. "It doesn't make sense."

"You don't think you might be overreacting a little bit?"

"Your water."

Autumn took the bottle of water. "Thanks." She uncapped and took a small sip before she whipped her mouth. "Maybe." She let out a sigh. "It doesn't matter though. Right now this is Heather's day."

"Yeah you got a point there." Willow glanced behind her. "What's taking her so long to put on a dress anyways?"

Suddenly, there was a tap on Autumn's shoulder. She turned to what seemed to be a bridal stylist. "Excuse me, are you Autumn?"

"Oh, um, yeah."

"The bride asked to see you." Heather? A wave of concern washed over her. "Alright, I'll be right back." Following the bride to the back of the store where the dressing rooms were, she knocked on the third one. "Heather?"

At the soft sounds of sniffing, she knocked harder. "Heather? Heather, what's wrong?"

Grabbing the knob, she pushed open the door. She was instantly surrounded in a sea of white puff. The wedding princess style dress was large and beautiful but the woman in the center wasn't beaming like she was supposed to.

"Heather?" She moved to cover her sister in a hug. "Hey, what's wrong?" She wiped a tear away from her tear filled eyes. "What's wrong?" Heather shook her head frantically. As she burst into sobs, Autumn held her tighter. "Heather, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"You're...going to hate me," Heather muttered through sobs.

Autumn held her tighter before she pressed a kiss against her forehead. "You know I won't hate you." Heather hiccuped before she turned to bury her face into Autumn's arms. "You're all going to hate me."

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