Welcome, Students From Afar

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As breakfast came to an end, the realization that this was school seemed to sink into the minds of the students. They began to dissipate, following their schedules to their first class of the day. Keoghan said good-bye to Ginny and the other Slytherins before catching up with Clementine on their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"I don't understand why you insist upon eating with the Hufflepuffs," Keoghan lamented for what seemed to be the quintillionth time. "You're one of us, Clem. Act like it!"

Clem shook their head. "I don't like the Slytherins, Keoghan. I mean, Red and May are fine, but there's something off about the rest."

"You're just saying that because you've been fed anti-Slytherin propaganda. The school's full of it."

They huffed and crossed their arms, signaling to Keoghan that this conversation was over.


After classes had ended for the day, Keoghan left Clem's side to find Ginny. Though it was never spoken aloud, everybody knew that she was higher in Keoghan's hierarchy than Clementine, who settled at the very bottom with their Hufflepuff loyalty. They were nothing compared to the Slytherins, in name or in standing.

Keoghan and Ginny walked out of the castle to sit underneath a tree, the same tree that the unfortunate incident of the house-elf had occured by. Perhaps the memories of what happened in this location were not the greatest, but it was their spot. It always had been. When Keoghan mentioned the slight remorse she felt for ending the life of an innocent creature, Ginny reminded her that the creature was just that- inferior. She had no need to feel guilty.

After sitting down, the two girls spotted Potter and his friends. They exchanged a glance. Of course he was here.

"Hey Potter!" Ginny shouted, not bothering to acknowledge her brother with him.

Keoghan stood up and cupped her hands around her mouth. "Betcha trying to enter the Triwizard Tournament? Secure your ticket to martyrdom?"

Potter and his friends turned away, but not without the girl- Granger- muttering something about 'jealousy'. Keoghan scoffed. She was a goddamn Mercury. Jealousy was beneath her.

Sighing, she sat back down and leaned her head on the younger girl's shoulder. She liked teasing Potter, sure, but she hated herself for doing so. Thoughts crashed together in her head like asteroids hitting Earth.
Keep remembering your status, Kay, she said to herself. You are a fucking Mercury. You were born to be better than him.

The two sat like that, Keoghan's head resting on Ginny, gossiping aimlessly about the upcoming Tournament, until the sun set. Keoghan stood up and offered her hand to Ginny.

"Thanks, Kay."

"Don't mention it."

Without another word, they headed back inside.


The next weeks went by in a blur. Keoghan attended classes, shouted at Potter and his gang, and spent time with her friends. It was, all in all, making out to be a normal school year. That was, until Halloween came.

Hogwarts was expecting guests from other wizarding schools in order to host the Tournament. Every house was cleaned to the T and students were expected to present themselves at their best for the other schools' arrivals. They were all lined up by house to witness the arrivals of the others.

Keoghan, as always, managed to slip away from the Hufflepuffs and stand with her friends in the Slytherin line. Nothing happened for several minutes, and several students began to complain of boredom, until suddenly the lake began to bubble.

"Kay, look!" Ginny shouted, pointing at a mast that rose out of the murky depths. Durmstrang had arrived.

Boys that looked like grown men began to become visible on the dock, and the Hogwarts students waved eagerly. Not far after, a flying carriage landed and young women spilled out. Dumbledore greeted the other headmaster and headmisstress before shooing the children inside for the feast.

"It is my great honor to welcome Durmstrang and Beauxbatons to our school," he announced once everyone was seated in the Great Hall. "Now, for some announcements about the Triwizard Tournament."

"We will have the Goblet of Fire set up for entries. You will write your name on a slip of paper and throw it into the flame. For your safety, we also have an Age Line."

Boos chorused throughout the hall. Many younger students, it seemed, wanted a chance at the glory.

"The Age Line will be restricted to sixth and seventh years only," Dumbledore continued. More boos were heard.

"Good riddance," Ginny scoffed. "It's almost as though they want to die."

Keoghan nodded in silence.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, quieting the boos. "And now, you may feast!"


"Who do you think we're getting as Hogwarts champion?" Red asked, tearing apart a small sheet of paper for no apparent reason.

"I'd put 10 galleons that Potter somehow gets in," Ginny remarks with an icy tone.

"Make it twenty! He's too stupid for that shit."

Keoghan was silent. A Hogwarts Champion, hmm? She could only imagine the kind of reputation she'd gain with her family if she could become close to one...

"Ginny, Red, May!" she announced. "I'm going to go camp out at the Goblet of Fire."

May looked confused. "Hoping to enter?"

"No. I'm going to bag myself a champion."

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