Chapter 4

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She didn't want to think about how she had almost lost control. She could not allow that to happen again. She had to stay away from that boy, but there was no way to convince Mr. Aizawa to train her in a different way. He was adamant that she use her quirk. He was right that her parents had employed him specifically, so he was free to teach her how he saw fit. She didn't know what to do.

After the class had left, Mr. Aizawa had her walk around the training grounds and touch things again. Her emotions were still in turmoil as she was filled with the fear of what could have happened to Bakugo, so her quirk was out of control and more powerful than it usually was. The white-yellow glow roiled across her skin unevenly, and as she touched the ground, a tree, a pole, or whatever he wanted her to use her quirk on, she either simply touched it with her hand or she burned right through it. Mr. Aizawa kept his face an emotionless mask which made it hard for Amaterasu to tell what he was thinking.

She wanted to pull the covers over her head again, but she didn't want her mother to get upset, so instead she threw them off and was out of bed and on her feet in one swift motion. She got dressed quickly and was downstairs as her mother was finishing cooking breakfast. She wasn't hungry, but she sat down anyway. She would need to eat a few bites to not offend her mother.

With no words spoken, her mother served her a bowl of plain noodles. She took two bites then shoved up from the table. "I'm leaving now."

Her mother looked at her for a long moment before turning away. "Be careful not to run into anyone on your way."

Pursing her lips, Amaterasu silently left the kitchen, slipped her shoes onto her feet and left. She took off running as soon as she stepped outside. She wanted to get to the school quickly, not because she enjoyed training, but because it would put her farther away from home. Her home life saddened her. Her parents didn't know how to treat her. She couldn't remember the last time they had said they loved her, or hugged her, or talked with her about trivial things that mattered to her, like homework and friends she wished she had. Her mother hadn't said goodbye, or wished her to have a good day, she just gave a warning that Amaterasu already knew better than to do. It wasn't fair. It wasn't her fault that she was born with a quirk. It wasn't her fault that her parents were quirkless and didn't understand. It wasn't even completely her fault that she hadn't learned to control it. It just wasn't fair.

As she thought this, tears filled her eyes and spilled down her face, with glowing hands she wiped at her face, which was also feeling warm. She could feel the warmth, but it wasn't hot and didn't burn her, yet she knew that if she touched anything or anyone, her handprint would be burned into it.

She slowed to a walk as the school gates came into view. She struggled to get her breathing and crying under control. Her skin felt hot from her fingertips to her face. She knew she would be glowing and was glad that there was no one around. She wiped her face again and took a deep breath. It didn't calm the light or heat, but it calmed her emotions a little bit. If she could get her emotions under control she could control her quirk, then maybe her parents would accept her.

She made her way to the classroom and waited a few minutes longer than she usually did, this time she sat by the door just out of the immediate sight of the students walking out. By then her skin looked normal again, and she sat with her knees pulled to her chest and her arms wrapped around them.

She didn't know exactly how long she sat there before the bell rang and the class exited the room. She stayed where she was, however, because she knew that there was a group of students that always left last. Sure enough, she looked up just as Midoriya and his friends left, then Amaterasu stood and that was when she saw they weren't the last ones to leave. There was one person who walked out on his own.

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