Chapter 5

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Amaterasu slid out of the bed and tucked her arms behind her as she stared back at the boy. It seemed like his brow was permanently furrowed into an unhappy expression. "I'm sorry" she started and tilted her head down to stare at the ground, "that I couldn't fight you."

"It wasn't about whether or not you could, it was about you deciding that you wouldn't." He stated, then turned and started walking towards the door with a, "come on." trailing after him.

She hesitated for a moment, then jogged to catch up with him. "We can't leave yet. I need to get my stuff from the locker rooms." She hurried to say then pursed her lips awaiting his angry response.

She didn't receive one. He simply sighed and continued to walk in the direction of the locker rooms. When they arrived, Amaterasu hurriedly changed her clothes and retrieved her bag from the locker. He was still waiting outside in the hall when she peeked out, though he had changed out of his gym uniform and into his normal school uniform as well, and had his bag over his shoulder. She wondered why he was being so cooperative with Mr. Aizawa. It didn't seem to suit his character. When he saw her he huffed again and started walking back down the hall. She caught up and walked behind him.

"Your name is Bakugo, right?" She asked in a soft, polite voice.

"That's none of your business." He hissed over his shoulder.

Amaterasu waited until they reached the front gates before she spoke again. She walked past him, but before he could turn and walk away she whirled around to face him. "Listen, I think I didn't make a very good impression the first time we met. I'm sorry for offending you." She bowed and continued. "If Mr. Aizawa thinks that it's best that I work with you to train, I would like to cooperate." She righted herself and tried to decipher the expression on his face.

He was watching her with seemingly calculating eyes. "Let's get something straight. I don't like you. I'm annoyed that Mr. Aizawa is forcing me to do this."

She pursed her lips and ducked her head. "Excuse me, but I think you're a little bit of a hypocrite. He may be your teacher but Mr. Aizawa is not forcing you to do anything. You're choosing to obey." She clasped her hands together, once again awaiting a negative response.

"Whatever." He said through gritted teeth then turned and walked away.

Amaterasu went home.

The next day she quickly arrived at the school but instead of going to the classroom first, she went and changed into her gym uniform and waited outside for the class to arrive. She thought about purpose and that she really needed to start working hard if she was going to learn to control her quirk.

The other students slowly trickled onto the training field in small groups of chatting friends. Amaterasu waited off to the side for Mr. Aizawa and Bakugo to join her. They were the last ones walking up to the group. Bakugo was following Mr. Aizawa with a mopey expression on his face, when he saw her though his face scrunched into the usual annoyed expression. She sighed and ducked her head as she listened to the instructions to switch partners and to think about strategy. The only person that did not switch a partner was Bakugo, because he was supposed to train with her. When she glanced up, he was saying something to Mr. Aizawa who nodded. When she caught his eye again he tilted his head in a gesture that told her he wanted her to follow him. She did from a distance as he purposely walked around the fighting pairs. She saw Midoriya sparring with the boy who had two different hair colors, he seemed to be holding up well. As he was about to attack, Bakugo lunged forward and shoved him off his feet.

He gasped in surprise when he hit the ground. "H-hey!"

"You need to pay attention to your surroundings, Nerd, not just to the fight." Bakugo growled condescendingly.

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