Season 1 Part 2: Shifting

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"My name is Clouse!" Said the mystery man.

"I heard about you fighting a Ninja and stealing The Titanic Crystal of Fire. I want to work with you. I have information about another of those crystals you like" He continued.

"Let's team up then. And your Clouse? Oh yeah! Your that guy Master Chen's dog!" I yelled, laughing.

"Why you-"

"Just kidding, chill. I shall take you to my secret lair!" I told him. We started walking there. I found the tree I was looking for in that forest, and punched it. Then, me and Clouse begun walking down a staircase that opened up, and we reached my secret lair. I kept The Titanic Crystal of Fire there. My base is a secret lair and a house at the same time.

"So tell me this information you have, Clouse!" I said.

"The Titanic Crystal of Ice is with a group of 4 mysterious people called the shifters, who are shifting around this crystal. I don't know much more other than that. They were last seen in the Mother Garden." Said Clouse.

"Well, then what are we waiting for, let's go!" I yelled.

After a while, we finally reached the Mother Garden. 

"There they are!" Yelled Clouse. I saw 4 people in dark gray hoodies hiding their faces playing catch with The Titanic Crystal of Ice. I wanted to learn their real identities, as well.

"Let's go!" I yelled.

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