Season 1 Part 3: Mother Garden

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Because I knew these people were probably evil, I used Shatterspin to knock them down. The mother garden is an interesting place, one which I had never been to before. Clouse looked surprised after I used the technique. 

One of the shifters that were shifting around The Titanic Crystal of Ice went invisible. I was super confused. Then another one took out a gun-like weapon and shot a bullet at me. These people must all have different powers.

"Clouse! Use your purple magic thing to stop them from getting away!" I yelled. 

"Yes, master!" He yelled back. Clouse was nothing but a dog to me. Just like how Master Chen used Clouse as a dog, I plan to do the exact same thing. Although he does work for me and does useful stuff, he is nothing but a pawn in my plans, to form the Titanical Crystal! Once I take over the world, everyone will be worthless to me, and Clouse will be no exception. I, and only I will be the king of this world. I will betray Clouse and make sure he ends up like any regular citizen.

One of the shifters tried to punch me from out of nowhere. It was the same shifter that went invisible. 

"So you, are the one they call Kentar, correct?" He said. I was confused, and so I just nodded. I looked down and saw Clouse had all of the remaining shifters trapped with his powers. I used Shatterspin to get the last one away from me, and he ended up falling right next to the others. 

"Time to reveal your identities!" Me and Clouse yelled at the same time. The first one was the one with the gun-like weapon. Clouse took off his hood.

"Hey, isn't that the Mr. F guy?" I said. That's why he had the gun. Then, Clouse pulled down the hood of the fat one.

"Hey, it's Killow, he's one of those fake sons of Garmadon!" Said Clouse. The next one was the one that had some mechanical gears, and I knew who it was.

"The Mechanic!" Me and Clouse yelled. The final one took of his hood on his one.

"It is I, Pythor P. Chumsworth! Take the stupid crystal, I don't even know why you want it anyways! As for me, I have my own plans..." He said, turning invisible. We had the crystal, so I didn't really care. "Time to go home, Clouse!" I said.

I now have The Titanic Crystal of Fire and The Titanic Crystal of Ice, 2 down, 7 more to go!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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