Third year

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Monday 1st of September:
Today I started back at school. I had a great summer too! I got my timetable and tomorrow I'm starting classes again. I noticed on my timetable that we have some different classes that we did have last year. I wonder what BS is going to be like. Apparently it means business studies. I wonder what that is! Anyway I've had a long, tiring, boring day at school so I'm gonna go. Bye!

Tuesday 2nd of September
Hi again so I started classes today and they were horrible. Ok so I went to my tech class to find that the most annoying and hyperactive boy in my school (also in my form) had to be in my class. I mean at break and lunch he runs around screaming and jumping off walls. I wouldn't be surprised if he hurt himself doing it one day. At least Adeem is in my class. Wow, we've been friends two whole years! That's amazing! Then again I suppose all of us have been friends two whole years. The group: Scarlet, Hope, Adeem and me. I'm so happy all of us are still together after all this! We just got books and had to get them backed today. Pretty boring, don't you think? Oh I've got my head of year for French!!!
Anyway I'be gtg. Bye!

October 23rd
Sorry I haven't been writing lately. I've been caught up with homework and stuff. There's this girl, Tracy. She bullies me and my friend. I'm not even gonna start on what she and her friend called Caolan (he's one of my best guy friends). Her friend is called Orlaígh (oar-la).
I hate them so much. They make me feel things I really don't want to feel. I'm getting off for Halloween tomorrow and start back on the 2nd. At least I have a few days without her making my life hell. Why does she do it? Why? What have I ever done to her? I just don't get it.

November 2nd

First minute back at school and I heard my name called. I turned round and see who it was. Even though straight away I knew by the voice. But to my surprise, Manus and Billy were standing with her. I was so confused and almost in shock. Had they teamed up? I think so. But Billy and Manus walked up to me and apologised to me. Wait what?! Yes! I didn't believe it either. Today of all days they decide to apologise to me? Plus it was a pathetic apology. His complete apology was, "Yo, like I'm sorry for like what a did. Like. Last year anol like. Mates?".
You have got to be kidding me. You don't use words like "like" and "anol" in an apology. I mean I know it's the way most of us speak and pronounce our I's like a's. Like a instead of like I. Anol basically means and all. Yo means hello I'm trying to get your attention yoo hoo look at me. I want to talk to you!!!! I know the native language of Bantertown!!! Strange in'it,
As you can tell, or maybe not, it's NI! Home to the worlds worst weather where it rains like Every. Single. Day. Even when it's scorching outside it still rains. Mostly. Rarely a blue sky in sight. Hot days last for barley a week. Yah know! That's just our world though. Enough about NI! Back onto school. Later that day the bullying progressed worse. By the end of the day I was told to go kill myself, that nobody cared about me, I was punched two times. The usual. I can't tell anyone though. She'd beat me up so bad that I'd suffer a brain hemerage and die. A brain hemerage is where blood rushes round your brain destroying all brain cells. Not fun. They can operate but there is a chance that you won't survive the operation. Anyway enough of me being a doctor and back onto school again. Sorry. I've got bruises everywhere. I'm anticipating wether I should tell someone or not. I don't want to get beat up but I would like to get it sorted out. You know what, I'm gonna report her. Anyway gtg bye.

December 4th
Today I went to a concert and guess who was there. Billy and Tracy. They've been hanging out a lot recently, oh wait, of course they have they're going out. They're perfect for each other. Two bullies kissing and messing. That's how it works up here. There were a lot of people there but Tracy still managed to find me. She and Billy came up to me with her saying "Oh hey Sky's mother, hey Sky". She was acting disgustingly nice. "Wanna walk around with us for a bit?". "No not really" I said turning away to get my coffee that the person behind the counter had sat in front of me. It smelt gorgeous. I just HAD to drink it! As I gave her my money my dearest mother turned round to me and said "don't you dare act all b___ in front of your friends Sky. They're trying to be nice and you're just going to say no don't wanna. Go with them or you'll get your phone taken off you for a month". I really didn't want that and as I took the first sip of my coffee I said "ok", bowing my head in shame. Tracy put her arm round me. I felt really uncomfortable at this point. She put her other arm over Billy and kissed him. As we got out of site of police and my dearest mummy darling, she started dragging me by my jacket. That hurt. A lot. Then she said "Listen here, squirt. Nobody wants you. Why are you not getting the message? Just do everyone a favour and go kill yourself. It's for your own good."
Excuse me who do you think you are talking to me like that!? I once again bowed my head in shame and said "Ok."
She smiled at the thought of that then pushed me away so I fell to the ground. "Remember what I said, Sky" she looked up and down me in disgust, calling back those exact words. It really hurts but I'm determined to live my life. My friends want me. My friends need me. So do my family and the one and only mum who gave birth to me. She would die if I killed myself. I'm not going to do it. I love her and she loves me. I love my friends and they love me. Bye.

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