Fourth year.

17 0 5

September 1st

Hello. I can't believe I'm in fourth year already. Mum says that I need to wise up A LOT. Gee thanks mum. We got our timetables today and I got the wrong subjects. I know it sounds like I'm being selfish but IT is something I'm not particularly good at in the best of times.

September 2nd

Worst. Day. Of. My. Life.
I really wanna end it all. I've got a confession to make. Over the summer I've been self harming. I've done it before but I stopped. Now I'm at it again.
The bullies are at their usual. If not worse. I hate my life so so much. I want to tell someone but I don't want to in case they judge me. I'm so scared. I just want to die.
I mean I got beat up in the toilets and she threatened me. She said if I tell anyone I'll be dead meat and if I did tell that secret would be out. I didn't think anyone knew. I mean I've only just told my friends. She was cool but..... I could tell she thought it was weird.
I really want to just crawl up in a ball and die. I had games today and I had to take off my blazer and jumper and change into a T-shirt. I would like to keep my secret as long as I can. But I feel really bad for doing it. But it feels good. And I did it again.
The cuts are pretty deep. I have to hide them too.

Im sort of sick at the moment so I can't really write. Very sick. I'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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