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The agonizing, blaring alarm echoes around the bedroom, making you groan. You fumble blindly for the snooze button, your hand missing quite a few times.

Finally, you smack the button and find temporary relief. You roll onto your back and look beside you, seeing the empty bed.

You furrow your brows and huff, glancing at the ceiling. Truthfully, you wish Kakashi was next to you, but he had gotten out of bed a couple of hours ago, having to rush to the office.

For the past couple of days, Kakashi has been in and out of the Hokage's office much more than usual. In the middle of dinner, while you were watching TV together, even when you were out shopping with him. He's had to leave multiple times only to come back a couple of hours later.

But now, you are starting to feel a little bit worried. The constant back and forth leads you to believe that something is going on in the village, something that is extremely high-profile.

Usually, if Kakashi has an urgent message or if he's needed immediately for his duties, he will complain to you as he procrastinates leaving. But these past few times, he has flown out the door rapidly.

You sigh as you sit up, the blanket falling to your waist. Your knuckle gently rubs your eye, attempting to wipe away the exhaust. You then flatten your hand and rub your face while yawning quietly.

Suddenly, your bedroom doorknob is heard. You shoot your head to the handle and reach to your bedside table, grabbing a stray kunai. Your fingers pick up the knife and you hold it close to you, staring harshly at the door.

The door is slowly opened, but when you see your husband's face peek in, you sigh and drop the kunai. A heavy sigh of relief is released as Kakashi gives you a closed-eyed smile, his mask pulled over his face.

"Good morning," He greets, poking his head into the room. You smile softly and tilt your head. "Good morning, Kashi."

The annoyance from earlier dissipates as you look at your husband. His presence fills the room and covers your body with love.

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