(Aespa) Ningselle

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NingNing pov / non idol au

smut chapter, if u dont feel comfortable reading, skip / a little angsty at the begining

Me and aeri were getting ready to go out with some friends but she was taking ages getting ready. I knocked on our closed bedroom door.

"Are you almost ready?" I asked, muffled through the wall.

"No- Not yet." I heard a muffled answer from Giselle. Her voice sounded a little squeaky so I was left wondering why.

"Are you okay, Gigi?" I asked, leaning into the door, placing my left ear on it.

"Y- Yeah, I'm fine. Just gimmie a second." She said. I heard sniffles and thats when I got a little concerned. I turned the door knob and cracked the door open slightly, getting a view of Giselle on the floor in front of the mirror, wearing a black satin dress with mascara stained on her cheeks.

"Aww. Hey, hey what's wrong?" I asked as I rushed towards her and got on the floor, holding her in my arms. 

"It- it's just. I don't think I look g- good in this dress." She said, wiping tears from her cheeks. I held her even tighter and used the pad of my thumb to wipe the new tears forming in her eyes, threatening to spill from the hold of her eye sockets.

"What? What do you mean? You look amazing Aeri!" I replied. I was a little frustrated because of the fact that she thought of herself like this. I mean okay, maybe it was a bit weird for me to be thinking my best friend was incredibly attractive. Sure I probably wasn't supposed to be thinking of my friend this way, but over the years I couldn't stop myself from thinking this. 

"Aw, you're just saying that to be nice." She said, turning away, hiding her face from me.

"No, no. I promise, I mean it. Gigi, your beautiful, trust me." I mumbled. Honestly I was in shock that those words left my mouth. She turned back around to face me. Her face was now less of a crying mess and more of a blushing mess, although there were still some tears falling down her cheeks onto her neck. My eyes widened at what I had said, but I tried to play it off.

"Wh- what?" Giselle said, wiping a tear from making it's way down her shirt.

"Uh- I was just saying, how pretty you are. You know. So you don't think like this about yourself." I said, getting up to get a tissue for her, attempting to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Oh. Right." Giselle responded rather quietly. I returned to her with some tissues and grabbed her hand, pulling her up from the floor onto the bed. "But, ning. I don't think I wanna go out today. I just feel like I don't look good in anything now days." I grabbed her hands in mine and squeezed them tight.

"Giselle, I'm serious. You really are very pretty." I said, looking into her eyes. Once again she turned into a tomato, eyes slightly wider and lips a little parted. She brought her hand up to cup my right cheek. She placed her thumb over my bottom lip and grazed over it lightly. I felt myself turning just as red as she was. She pulled me closer by my neck until our lips were about half an inch apart. I felt her hot breath against my lips and I really thought we were going to kiss until my phone rang, breaking the silence. Disrupting the comfort held between our proximity. Her eyes widened as they looked around the room frantically. She quickly took her hand away from my face and cleared her throat.

"Uh- It's Karina. Here how about I tell her we're gonna stay in tonight and we'll go out another night. Yeah?" I suggested. Giselle nodded her head and got up from the bed.

"Hey, you should shower and I'll order some food and we can watch a movie. Does that sound good?" She smiled and nodded once more before going into the bathroom and closing the door. I Immediately rushed back to my phone and ordered some pizza, wings- and why not? some soju. I placed some blankets out of the couch along with some extra pillows. Just as I was settling down on the couch, ready to pick a movie, she walked out of the bathroom. The roots of her hair still a little damp from the shower. She was wearing an oversized sweater and some pajama shorts. I shot her a bright smile as I handed her the tv remote.

"See? Even without club dresses and make-up. You still look beautiful. You always do." I said. She looked down and mumbled a small thank you before getting settled on the couch. "I'm gonna go change into some comfy clothes. Pick the movie and if the delivery guy rings the doorbell, can you please get it?" Yet again she nodded as I retrieved into my bedroom. 


I walked out of my room to see a very cute looking Giselle eating wings with some sauce on the corner of her lips. I sat down next to her and used my thumb to wipe off the sauce from her lips and brought it up to my mouth and licked it off. Her face went red for the billionth time that night. She hit my shoulder before yelling at me.

"Why are you such a tease!?!?" She yelled with wide eyes. I laughed at her and sat behind her, warping my legs around her waist as she hit play on the remote. We ate some of the food and watched the movie as if it was any other normal day. But one thing was different, I kept catching her looking at me. Maybe it was the two thirds bottle of soju clogging my brain, but I've never felt such a strong urge to kiss her. At this point we had gotten more comfortable so I was no longer behind her, instead I was sitting at her side. I leaned closer to her, placing my head in the crook of her neck.

"Mhm, you smell so good from that shower." I mumbled, as the movie continued to softly play in the background. She grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me up for my face to meet hers. Her eyes were slightly darker and she looked as if her eyelids were heavy. "Hey, you look a little tired maybe we shou-" My slurry, drunken words got cut off by Giselle's plump lips pressing themselves onto mine. I moaned into the kiss as she pulled me even closer. I shifted on top of her and placed my arms around her, trapping her underneath me.

"You seriously need to understand that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." The words left my mouth as I kissed down from her lips to her neck. She whimpered from my touch. "Do you want me to keep going?" I asked, looking her in the eye even though we were both drunk and probably not in the right state of mind. 

"Ning. Please." She said softly after nodding her head. She shifted to sit up in order to take off her shirt. I took off her bra and went straight to her right tit, peppering tiny kisses all over it before taking the bud into my mouth, lapping over it with my tongue. More needy whimpers left her mouth as she bucked her hips into mine. As I took off her shorts, I noticed she wasnt wearing any underwear.

"No underwear?" I said with a smirk I knew she could see.

"Please. Just stop teasing and hurry up." She said in a whiny tone. I hummed in delight when I spread her legs open. So slick her arousal was probably almost dripping.

"So wet for me aren't you?" I asked, dragging my middle finger over her folds. She nodded her head at a rapid pace and bucked her hips up again.

"So impatient and needy. My god." The words left my mouth quietly but loud enough for her to hear. I separated her folds with my fingers and inserted the middle finger in. She led out an airy moan and bucked her hips up again. "You like that? You like my finger inside you?" I questioned, picking up the pace, matching the rythem her hips set. She nodded her head as more and more moans spilled out of her pretty mouth.

"M- More, please." Said Giselle. I gave her another finger and leaned into use to tongue to stimulate her clit. Her moans became louder and her legs began to shake. Her milky thighs quivering around my face and the way she tangled her hands in my hair told me she was close. I went faster and worked my tongue on her clit rougher. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" She said with a high pitch moan as her juices coated my fingers. I fucked her through her high and pulled my fingers out once she caught her breath. I sat down next to her and was reminded of the movie playing in the background when I heard the characters bickering with each other.

"We should do this more often." I spoke while looking over at Giselle.

"You're definitely right." She said, snuggling into me under one of the blankets.

Word count: 15 hundred

i kinda wanna start writing in 3rd person pov but idk

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