17 - New Years Party

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The clock tower chimed midnight, its deep resonating clang echoing through the Sanders household. Confetti rained down from the makeshift ceiling decorations, a shower of color against the backdrop of flickering fairy lights. Everyone cheered, raising glasses filled with sparkling cider (for Patton, at least) in a toast to the new year.

But amidst the joyous chaos, a quiet tension simmered between Roman and Patton. Their usual playful banter had been replaced by a strained silence, punctuated only by forced smiles and nervous glances. The truth, a heavy weight in both their hearts, threatened to spill over.

As the party dwindled down to a handful of diehards, Roman found himself alone with Patton by the kitchen counter, remnants of a half-eaten bowl of popcorn scattered between them.

"Hey," Patton started, his voice laced with forced cheer. "Happy New Year, Roman!"

Roman clinked his glass against Patton's, the sound hollow in the quiet room. "Happy New Year, Patton."

The silence stretched again, thicker this time. Finally, Roman blurted out, "We need to talk."

Patton's smile faltered. "Talk? About what?"

"About us," Roman said, taking a deep breath. "About our relationship."

Patton's eyes widened, a flicker of understanding passing through them. He set his glass down, the sound like a punctuation mark to the unspoken words hanging between them.

"You first," Patton said, his voice surprisingly steady.

Roman ran a hand through his hair, a nervous habit. "Patton, you're... you're amazing. The best friend a guy could ask for. But lately..." He hesitated, searching for the right words. "Lately, I've been... questioning things."

Patton nodded slowly, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I know," he confessed. "Me too."

A wave of relief washed over Roman, a shared burden lighter to bear. "You do?"

"Yes," Patton continued, his voice soft. "The truth is, Roman, I..." He paused, his gaze drifting towards Logan, who was engrossed in a quiet conversation with Janus in the corner. "I think I might have feelings for Logan."

Roman's breath hitched. The possibility had bloomed in his own mind recently, but to hear it from Patton was both a shock and a strange sense of validation.

"Logan?" Roman echoed, surprised.

Patton nodded, a shy smile gracing his lips. "He's... different. He challenges me, makes me think. And the way he cares for everyone... it's something special."

A bittersweet feeling settled in Roman's chest. He was happy for Patton, truly. But the confirmation of his own suspicions brought a wave of emotions – disappointment, a flicker of jealousy, and a renewed sense of hope.

"That's... that's great, Patton," Roman managed, forcing a smile.

Patton's eyes searched his. "Roman," he began, his voice gentle. "Do you... do you feel the same way about someone else?"

Roman stared at him, the unspoken question hanging in the air. Then, with a deep breath, he met Patton's gaze head-on.

"Yes," he admitted, a blush creeping up his neck. "I... I think I might have feelings for Virgil."

A flicker of surprise crossed Patton's face, quickly replaced by understanding. He placed a hand on Roman's shoulder, his touch warm and reassuring.

"I see," he said softly. "Well, Roman, if that's how you feel..."

"I know," Roman interrupted, his voice thick with emotion. "This isn't easy. But maybe..."

"Maybe," Patton finished, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, "maybe this is for the best."

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