Hot shot was in CICU he just had open heart surgery. He was very tired and sore. Hot shot had a tube in his mouth to help him breathe. Hot shot was wondering about the tubes and stuff but his mother explained that they were helping him.
Hot shot saw Dr. Tam and many others on his team come and check on him. Today nurse Hailey was checking on Hot shot. "Okay Hot shot I am going to take the tube out of your mouth since you seem to be breathing okay," Hailey said. "It might feel a bit strange when it comes out of your mouth, but don't worry it is normal," she said. Then she took the tube out of Hot shot's mouth.
Hot shot coughed when she did so and it hurt when he did and his mother made him clutch to a special pillow he was given. "Hold it close, and let the coughs happen," Quickshadow said. Hot shot did so and held it close to his chest with her help. "Very good," she said.
Holding the pillow close helped with the pain. It helped make coughing less painful.
"There we go all done," Hailey said.
"Can I have some water?" Hot shot asked. He was so thirsty he had been getting fluids through an IV and his throat was so dry. He just had to have a drink of water.
"I think you can," Hailey said. "But we got to see what Dr. Meyer here in the CICU says." she said.
Dr. Meyer came into the room. "Okay everything is looking good here," he said. "I think it would be alright for Hot shot to have some water," he said.
Hot shot got a drink of water. Hot shot was feeling much better after having a few sips of water. Hot shot was still feeling pretty sore and sick. Then after a couple of more days, Hot shot was able to live the CICU for the CSDU.
There in the Cardiac step down unit, Hot shot had some of the tubes and wires removed. Hot shot felt much better with some of the tubes and wires removed. Hot shot was starting to feel healthy and strong again. Hot shot still was very tired though. He was also having pain. Hot shot had to hold the heart pillow he had against his chest whenever he coughed, or changed positions in the bed, or when he got out of bed or into bed. Hot shot held the pillow close in a tight hug and it helped with the pain.
Hot shot was soon feeling like doing a lot more. Hot shot was feeling his strength returning. Hot shot was starting feel like he has more energy. Hot shot was feeling so much better. Hot shot's heart was doing a lot better now.
Hot shot was even able to go to the play room. Hot shot had gotten a few presents from family members and family friends after his surgery. Hot shot was glad he was being thought of by his loved ones. Hot shot was very curious and eager to learn more about his heart condiation.
Hot shot and his parents learned Hot shot qualified for a wish from make a wish. "I sent it in and Hot shot will soon be able to get a wish," Roxy said.
Quickshadow thought it would be very good for Hot shot to get a wish from make a wish. She was thinking it would help Hot shot forget about all that has recently happened and that all that he might endure later.
Hot shot was thinking about what he might want to wish for and he was looking forward too it.
Today Hot shot was exploring the hospital with Heatwave he was staying with him. Hot shot was hopefully soon going to be going home. Hot shot and his father visited the build a bear. Hot shot looked at all the different bears. Then he chose one for himself it looked just like Peaks the dragon. Hot shot was happy to have the dragon and looking forward to going home when the time came.
Hot shot was going to be able to take the heart pillow home too because he still needed it. Hot shot had the heart pillow with him. He had it one hand and the new dragon in the other. Hot shot felt a cough coming so doing as he was told by his mother he hugged the heart tight against his chest and let the cough out. His doctors told him he had to let the cough out while recovering from surgery or he could get a infection called pneumonia in his lungs and he didn't want that, because that would mean a longer stay at the hospital.
Hot shot felt better after that. "Take it easy son," Heatwave said. "You want to go get Chic-fil-a and then after lunch go to Zooti Frooti?" he asked.
"Yes please," Hot shot said.
Hot shot and Heatwave headed to Camelot food court and got Chic-fil-a there. Hot shot was able to enjoy his lunch. Hot shot was now having a good appetite again after his surgery. The first couple of days before his surgery Hot shot didn't feel like eating anything. But now that he was a about 10 days out of surgery he was hungry.
Then after lunch they had Zooti Frooti. Hot shot had a wonderful time and was happy to be back.
Then a couple of days later Hot shot was going home. Hot shot helped make sure he had everything. They got ready to leave the hospital. Hot shot was happy to be going home. Once the made sure they had everything Hot shot had to say good bye to his doctors.
"I am going to miss you," Hot shot said to Dr. Runkel.
"Well Hot shot you still going to have to see me at least every six months, children with heart defects like you need to see a cardiologist for the rest of their lives even after the first and possible only repair," Dr. Runkel said. "You also might need more surgery done Hot shot, your stenosis might regrow once or more than once in your life and you might need a valve replacement too," she said. "You also might need cardiac catheterization procedures too," she said. "You also might need a pacemaker put in or an implanted cardiac defibrillator put in," she said. "So you will need a lot of things done most likely," she said.
"Oh," Hot shot said. "But I hope each visit will go well, even if there maybe times for more surgeries, a catheterization, tests, or getting a pacemaker or implanted cardiac defibrillator put in," he said.
"You also might need a heart transplant if you go into heart failure which can happen to kids whose heart defects were repaired just like to ones who didn't get a repair. There is is a chance you mostly because you had a serious defect like yours repaired later in childhood rather than as infant because it got diagnosed late because it was missed. If you need one if heart failure does happen, you will need to go to another children's hospital, because we don't have a heart transplant program here, but we are trying to get one started," Dr. Runkel said. "If we get one started soon and you might need one when time comes after it starts then you won't have to worry about going to another hospital," she said.
"Okay," Hot shot said. "That is a lot of stuff that can happen," he said. "I hope you do get that program, it would be great if you do," he said.
"I hope so to Hot shot, all of us at the heart center are hoping so," Dr. Runkel said.
Soon Hot shot was headed for the car. Hot shot was getting into his car seat. His mother set the heart pillow on his chest. Then she buckled him up with the buckles over the pillow and making sure it was snug. "This will help make the ride more comfortable for you," Quickshadow said. "You will need to keep that pillow close for the first several weeks," she said. "It will only be until your chest heals which can take 12 weeks," she said.
"That is a long time," Hot shot said.
"It is a long time, but soon you will be able to play again before you know it," Quickshadow said.
"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot clutched at the pillow as the headed home. Hot shot watched as things were going by. Then Hot shot soon saw he was home. Hot shot was so happy to be home.
"Here we are son home sweet home," Heatwave said.
"I am happy to be home," Hot shot said.
Hot shot got out of the car seat and went inside. Hot shot was able to see his room and able to relax. Hot shot helped his parents unpack his things. Once his things were unpacked he was able to relax. Hot shot was very happy to be back home.
Hot shot and his parents were able to relax with a movie. Hot shot had a long road of recovery ahead of him. But Hot shot was looking forward to being able to run and play again. Hot shot was hoping it was going to be soon.
Brave Little Firefighter, BFFs, and a Dragon, Heart Warrior Journey
FanfictionHot shot is five years old he lives with his father Heatwave and his mother Quickshadow. They live in Fort Worth Texas. Heatwave is a firefighter and Quickshadow is a pediatric cardiologist. Hot shot is a very playful and happy child. He has loved t...