𝓛𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝓰𝓸... 𝓲𝓶 𝓫𝓮𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾...

18 1 6

Tanjiro's pov:
My life is a living hell, I'm trapped in Zenitsu s basement, I am fed but treated as a doll, I've been here since junior year... Inosuke always visits and he treats me even more like a doll, I have cuts and bruises due to him hitting me a couple of times... I am sometimes out of the basement but still in Zenitsu s house, he lives in a secluded area so no one notices or even knows I'm missing...

I'm normally on Inosuke's lap on the couch, watching TV and being silent, I would normally lash out and try and escape but that... Doesn't work... As for punishment I'm not fed, I think Im used to not eating now... I'll probably never escape or get help... Right? RIGHT? I also think I'm going delusional... I have nightmares... I have scratch marks on my arm... Their from me.. only way of revealing the pain... I like Zenitsu more he has pity for me and won't hit me... Inosuke hits me... I feel kinda numb from it... I think everyone is numb right?

I wish I'm free... I think if I lose my emotions they'll let me go... Or try and get them back... I just want to be free... I feel like a puppet just controlled by their maker... They are the makers... I'm just the puppet they play with and poke at...

Zenitsu was making my favourite dish... I wouldn't eat it, that made Inosuke slap me...
I: tan tan eat up!! Zenitsu spent his time on it!!!!
I was just silent
Z: Inosuke... Be patient! And tan~ eat up, it's  your favourite...
I still wouldn't eat... I looked pale...

Zenitsu s pov:
I never realised how pale tanjiro is... He is ok? He seems a bit starved his red hair is a bit dull same with his eyes, he looks dead inside!! He has to eat!!!
Z: tanjiro!!! You have to eat!! You'll go hungry!!!!
His quiet again...

349 words
Remember no warnings in the chapters only the introduction!!! Read it if you haven't

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