Epilogue part 11

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Y/N's body floats down the river, his armor torn to pieces, the scar on his chest now a giant open gash, his blood staining the water, he hits a wooden dock and a figure stands over him, he wakes up later and opens his eyes, he sits up and sees an old lady sitting in a chair near him, she turns to him

Y/N: "You... You saved me... Didn't you...? Why...?"

Nattō puts out the fire in front of her

Nattō: "So you can end the suffering..."

Y/N: "What do you mean...?"

He stands up, his hand on his chest, he sees the broken, decaying, and burnt houses around him

Nattō: "This was a thriving kingdom, once... The whole planet was... Me and my husband... Shortly after my prophecy, he married me... We were preparing for his death... But I never could've foretold what came that day..."

(skip to 0:58)

Y/N then gets a vision, burning homes, people being killed, guns being shot, and blood everywhere, the camera pans to a young King Vegeta, with a menacing look, standing tall, he points at a baby

King Vegeta: "Kill them all!"

The Saiyans run to the child but a tall man hits them with a mallot,he turns to a young Nattō

Guard: "Take the Prince! Run, fast, my Queen!"

She runs off with him, Y/N's vision ends, he has his hand on his head, he falls to the ground, looking traumatized

Y/N: "My God... He killed them all..."

Nattō: "I ran through 5 miles of snow and wood to get to the escape ship... All that was left was 10 guards, 8 male, and 2 female... We only had 12 people left of our race, as far as we knew... As soon as my son grew up, he changed that immediately, there were only about 30 people then... And now... Definitely more... You must stop my son, before he kills everyone..."

Y/N clenches his fist and looks up into the sky, he stands up he slowly moves hands up, catching a rain drop from the sky in his hand, he slowly guides it to the ground as he has a vision of Nattō carrying baby Cajun through the Forrest to the escape shuttle, somehow evading the Saiyans long enough, Y/N then puts the drop of rain on the flower and closes his eyes he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes the wind flows through his hair

Nattō: "So... What do you plan to do...?"

Y/N: "I'm gonna stop Cajun... But first, I'm gonna need a needle and some thread..."

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