Part Of Your World

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Sunghoon navigated the murky depths surrounding the abandoned shipwreck with the agility of a seasoned explorer. His curiosity had led him back to the vessel, where remnants of the human world lay scattered amidst the coral and seaweed. His fingers brushed against a rusted anchor, and he marveled at the intricate carvings etched into its surface.

As he delved deeper into the ship's hold, his fascination grew, oblivious to the passage of time beneath the waves. Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught his eye—a shadowy figure darting through the murky depths, its streamlined form a stark contrast against the ocean floor.

Sunghoon's heart quickened with a surge of adrenaline as he recognized the danger—a swift and relentless predator, a shark drawn by the scent of his presence. With a swift kick of his powerful tail, Sunghoon propelled himself away from the looming threat, the rush of water echoing in his ears as he sped towards the safety of the palace.

By the time he returned to the grand dining hall of the merkingdom, the evening was well underway. The room was bathed in a soft, aquatic glow, the shimmering bioluminescent lights casting an ethereal glow over the assembled royal family—King Junho and his six sons, each bearing the regal grace and strength of their lineage.

Sunghoon's late arrival did not go unnoticed. His brothers—Jungwon, Heeseung, Ni-ki, and the others—all turned to regard him with varying degrees of concern and curiosity. King Junho's steely gaze bore into Sunghoon's own, a silent demand for explanation that brooked no delay.

"Sunghoon," King Junho's voice cut through the tension, its tone cold and cutting. "Where have you been?"

Sunghoon hesitated, his breath coming in ragged gasps from his earlier exertions. "I was... exploring," he admitted reluctantly, his eyes meeting his father's unwavering stare.

"Exploring?" King Junho's voice dripped with disdain, his brows furrowing with displeasure. "You were supposed to be here hours ago, ready to dine with your family. Do you not understand the importance of punctuality, of honoring your duties as a prince of our kingdom?"

Sunghoon bristled at the accusation, his resolve hardening against his father's harsh rebuke. "I understand my duties perfectly well," he retorted, his voice tinged with defiance. "But I cannot ignore the call of the unknown, the desire to see beyond the borders of our kingdom."

King Junho's expression darkened, his features twisting with anger. "You speak of desires as if they hold more weight than your responsibilities," he spat, his voice rising with each word. "Do you not realize the danger you put yourself in, the shame you bring upon our family with your reckless actions?"

Sunghoon's jaw tightened, his own frustration simmering beneath the surface. "I am not reckless," he insisted, his voice trembling with suppressed emotion. "I am curious, curious about a world that lies just beyond our reach. Is it wrong to want to understand, to explore the depths that have always been forbidden to us?"

The dining hall fell silent, the air thick with tension as the royal family grappled with Sunghoon's audacious defiance. His brothers exchanged uneasy glances, caught between loyalty to their father and empathy for Sunghoon's longing for freedom.

King Junho's eyes blazed with fury as he slammed his fist against the table, the force sending a ripple through the water. "You speak of boundaries as if they are shackles," he thundered, his voice reverberating through the chamber. "But they are safeguards, protections that have ensured our survival for generations. Do not forget that."

Sunghoon met his father's gaze head-on, his own eyes blazing with determination. "I know our history," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "But I refuse to be bound by fear. I want to see the human world with my own eyes, to understand the truths that have been kept from us."

The room seemed to hold its breath as King Junho's features hardened into a mask of resolve. "You know nothing of the human world," he spat, his voice laced with bitterness. "It is a place of treachery and deceit, a realm where our kind is seen as nothing more than myth and legend. Do you truly believe you can navigate such waters unscathed?"

Sunghoon's fists clenched at his sides, his voice edged with desperation. "I want to try," he pleaded, his words echoing off the polished coral walls. "I want to discover who I am beyond the confines of our kingdom, to find a purpose that extends beyond duty and tradition."

A heavy silence settled over the dining hall, each heartbeat echoing the unspoken conflict between father and son. King Junho's expression softened slightly, a flicker of paternal concern crossing his features. "Sunghoon," he began, his voice quieter now, tinged with regret, "I understand your curiosity. But you must trust me when I say that the human world is not meant for us. It is a place of danger and deception, where our kind is not welcome."

Sunghoon's shoulders sagged, his resolve faltering in the face of his father's unwavering authority. "I... I just want to know," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "I want to know why Mother..."

The mention of Queen Nayoung, Sunghoon's mother who had tragically lost her life in a human attack years ago, hung heavy in the air—a painful reminder of the consequences of crossing into unknown waters.

King Junho's gaze softened further, a shadow of sorrow clouding his steely resolve. "You do not understand," he said quietly, his voice tinged with sorrow. "The human world is not a place of adventure and discovery. It is a place of heartache and loss, a world that took your mother from us."

Sunghoon's heart clenched at the mention of his mother, his eyes filling with unshed tears. "I just wish... I wish I could see her world," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "To understand why she loved it so, despite the dangers."

King Junho's expression softened further, his gaze filled with paternal love and regret. "I know," he said gently, his voice carrying the weight of their shared grief. "But you must trust me, Sunghoon. The human world is not our place. We are merfolk, bound by duty and honor to protect our kingdom and our people."

Sunghoon nodded silently, his gaze dropping to the polished coral floor. "I... I understand," he murmured, his voice heavy with resignation. "I will honor my duties as a prince of the merkingdom."

As the dinner continued in a subdued atmosphere, each member of the royal family lost in their own thoughts, Sunghoon reflected on his father's words. Though his desire to explore the human world burned brightly within him, he knew that for now, he must heed his father's warnings and honor his responsibilities.

Yet, deep in his heart, the longing for adventure and discovery remained—a flame that refused to be extinguished, a yearning that would one day lead him to make a decision that would change the course of his fate and that of the merkingdom forever.

Part of Her World | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now