Wild Uncharted Waters

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The first thing Y/N felt was the warmth of a soft blanket and the gentle sound of voices around her. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw the familiar ceiling of her room. Confusion gave way to recognition as she realized she was safe at home. The memories of the storm, the shipwreck, and the mysterious man who had saved her came flooding back.

"Y/N! You're awake!" Her mother, eyes brimming with tears, rushed to her bedside, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "We were so worried, my dear. I thought I had lost you."

Y/N returned the hug, feeling the relief in her mother's touch. "I'm okay, Mother. I'm here."

Lady Jiyeon, stood nearby, her face a mixture of concern and relief. "You gave us quite a scare, Y/N. We're so glad you're safe."

As the initial joy of her awakening subsided, Y/N's thoughts turned to her savior. "Mother, Lady Jiyeon, you won't believe what happened. I was saved by a man in the ocean! He had a tail, like a merman, and he brought me to shore."

Her mother exchanged worried glances with Lady Jiyeon. "Y/N, dear, we were in a terrible shipwreck. It's understandable that your mind might play tricks on you. You must have been hallucinating from the trauma."

"No, I wasn't hallucinating!" Y/N insisted, sitting up in bed. "He was real. He saved my life. I have to find him and thank him."

Lady Jiyeon placed a gentle hand on Y/N's shoulder. "You've been through a lot, Y/N. Maybe it's best to rest and recover before making any decisions. The sea can be a dangerous place, and it's easy to imagine things when you're in distress."

Frustration bubbled within Y/N. "You don't believe me, either of you. But I know what I saw. I'm not crazy. I will prove it to you. I will find him."

Her mother sighed, her eyes filled with a mix of love and concern. "Y/N, we just want you to be safe. Please, promise us you won't do anything reckless."

Y/N took a deep breath, her resolve unwavering. "I promise I won't be reckless, but I can't ignore what happened. I need to know the truth, for my own sake."

As the night grew deeper, Y/N lay awake, determined to find the mysterious man who had saved her. The disbelief of her loved ones only fueled her determination. She knew in her heart that her savior was real, and she was willing to do whatever it took to prove it.

Back in the dimly lit sanctuary of his grotto, Sunghoon carefully examined a new trinket he had found—a delicate, sea-weathered locket. Its intricate design reminded him of the girl he had saved, and he wondered what secrets it held. Lost in thought, he didn't hear the approach of his father until it was too late.

"Sunghoon!" King Junho's voice boomed, reverberating through the cave. Sunghoon looked up to see his father, anger blazing in his eyes.

"Father, I—"

"Silence!" King Junho cut him off, his trident glowing ominously. "Do you know what you've done? You've been seen above water, saving a human. Our very existence is at risk because of your recklessness!"

Sunghoon's heart sank. "But, Father, she was drowning. I couldn't just let her die."

"Humans are dangerous, Sunghoon. They bring nothing but trouble to our world," King Junho snapped. "You have disobeyed me and put our entire kingdom in jeopardy."

Without another word, King Junho raised his trident and unleashed a powerful blast of energy. Sunghoon watched in horror as his beloved collection of human artifacts shattered before his eyes. The golden compass, the rusted pocket watch, the delicate locket—all reduced to dust.

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