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The sun was shining brightly over the military camp in Kashmir. The green mountains around the camp looked beautiful under the clear blue sky. The air was fresh, filled with the scent of pine trees and wildflowers.

Rows of green tents were set up in straight lines, with tall chinar trees standing nearby. Soldiers walked around the camp, their boots making crunching sounds on the gravel paths. Some were doing morning exercises, their voices loud and strong, while others sat around a small fire, drinking tea and chatting.

The camp was busy, but it felt calm and organised. Outside the camp, the hills rolled gently, covered in grass and colourful wildflowers. In the distance, there was a shiny lake reflecting the mountains and the sky. A small stream nearby made a cheerful gurgling sound as it flowed through the valley.

It was a scene of hard work and peaceful nature, showing the soldiers' dedication in the beautiful land of Kashmir.

The sun was shining, a pretty good day for a picnic. But here, He sat at the end of the hall,on the floor, his head pressed on the wall, as he looked........or stared at her- his angel.....his pretty, soft hearted and kind angel. He was dressed in a black compression shirt and black sweatpants, A silver chain hanging in his neck, his hairs messy with the workout he just did. His breath was heavy after he ended the workout with 150 pushups. His head rested on the wall, hands loosely on his sides, His eyes piercing through her.

Who is his but not at the same time.

But he is definitely hers.

She was walking around, bandaging the wounded trainees- She was one of the doctors of this military camp, dressed in her long lavender coloured dress, reaching till her ankles with white sneakers, a white coat, a stethoscope hanging on her neck, her ear adorned with small pearl earrings.

Such a pretty sight to behold. The way she snatches his breath away, makes him feel like a puddle melted by her one look.

Her messy braid complimented her soft looks, she looked so small and cute- her 5"4' structure looked like nothing while she walked around helping men double her size and height.

Her kind nature and beauty- got her the name 'Belle' of the camp. Everyone was so fond of her. One smile from her brightened the day.

But nobody knew the tough,cold,scary commander of the camp, Aaditya singh. The head trainer for the recruits, the best of all, lost his heart to the beauty with brains, Dr. Saanchi rao.

He never even thought he has a heart, considering the way he mercilessly kills enemies. But when he saw her, he knew he had a heart and it belonged to her. Whether he wants or not~

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