.Zip X Fujiko (OC). - What I needed to hear.

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We were roommates, just the four of us. Zip, Oliver, Edward, and I. My parents recently kicked me out of our house because I was bisexual, they said it went against God or something, but I don't understand how kicking your kids out of your house because of who they like isn't against God. I'm sure it is, actually.

There were three rooms in the house in total, since the trio didn't expect me to come move in with them. And since I didn't wanna sleep on the couch and wake up with neck pain, I had to share a room with one of the three. Zip was the only girl there, so naturally I gravitated toward sharing a room with her.

I had just gotten out of the shower after some time of neglecting my health and hygiene, wrapped up in a gray towel, only to be startled by a feminine voice speaking.

"Up already?"
I yelped and jumped, turning my head to the source of the voice. It was Zip.

"Oh, hey Zip... You scared the living hell out of me."

She chuckled. "My bad... It's just not often you really, well, wake up this early."

She shrugged, followed by a tired sigh from me.

"Well yeah, I figured I'd get some sleep at a decent time-"
She interrupted me mid-sentence, sitting up on our bed.

"I'm proud of you, you know?"
She mentioned with a tone so genuine it made my eyes widen, but I played it off, sitting down next to her.

But then, I figured I should really stop doing that. I trust these three, why not be emotionally vulnerable sometimes as well?

"...Thanks, Zip. You have no idea how much I appreciate that."
After a somewhat long pause, just staring at the floor, I spoke again.

"And how much I really needed to hear someone say that."

She chuckled, pulling me into a hug.

"...I figured you might."

She rested her head on my shoulder, sighing. I could see through the windows; it was still slightly dark outside. I could gauge the time, about 5 in the morning at least. 

"I meant it, you know?"

I smiled, genuinely this time, causing her to smile too.

"...And your smile is beautiful."

My eyes widened; I'd never heard anyone say that about me in such a long while. Not since I was a small baby. It brought back memories.

"...And your eyes are beautiful."

I decided to be a bit bold, causing her to blush a bit.

"And you're beautiful in all."

Zip replied with such a gentle tone that it made my heart flutter.

Then is when I finally decided to spit it out.

"And I love you."

Somehow I'd surprised both myself and Zip. But then I started to panic..

"Sorry! I didn't mean it, honest--!"

She cut me off by kissing me on the lips.

It was better than I'd ever imagined...

I kissed her back, and after we pulled away, Zip caressed my cheek and spoke.

"....I love you too, Ji."

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