Chapter 2

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-Namjoon's Pov-

I sigh in content feeling safe in Seokjin hyung's arm. I'm glad he stayed to take care of me today...I really like to be pampered when I'm sick or not feeling well

"Hyung-ah can you sleep with me tonight? I really need your warmth..." I mumbled against his chest

I looked up at him wondering what's taking him so long to answer me and I noticed his face is very red "Hyung? Are you sick too?"

"N-no...n-no i-im fine...I'm's just hot here..." He stuttered

I looked towards the AC that seemed to work perfectly fine and looked back at him. I didn't really care as long as I get to sleep in his arms tonight. Hyung makes me feel safe and I don't have to worry about a single thing

-Seokjin's Pov-

After awhile I cleared my throat, trying to keep my voice steady"B-but Of course, baby...I'll stay with you tonight."

Namjoon smiled brightly, his dimples showing. "Thank you, hyung." He snuggled closer, wrapping his arms around my neck and nuzzling into my chest. "You're the best..."

I felt my heart flutter. I gently patted Namjoon's back, feeling the younger boy relax even more. "Are you comfortable?" I asked softly, looking down at Namjoon with a fond smile.

"Mm-hmm..." Namjoon hummed in contentment. "Hyung, can you sing to me? You have the best voice."

I chuckled softly. "Anything for you, baby..."

I began to sing a soft lullaby, my voice warm and tender. I see his eyelids grow heavy as the soothing melody washed over him. My voice was like a gentle embrace, making him feel cherished and loved. As I sang, I couldn't help but marvel at how adorable Namjoon looked, snuggled up in my arms, eyes closed, with a peaceful expression on his face.

"Hyung, your voice is like magic," Namjoon mumbled, his voice drowsy but filled with admiration.

I smiled, my heart swelling with affection. "And you're my little prince, Namjoon. You deserve all the magic in the world."

Namjoon let out a small giggle, his eyes fluttering open briefly. "Hyung, you always know how to make me feel special."

"That's because you are special," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity. "You mean the world to me."

Namjoon nuzzled closer, his breathing becoming slow and steady. "I love you, hyung."

My heart melted yet it ached a bit knowing his I love you is a different meaning from mine...I gently brushed a strand of hair away from Namjoon's forehead and whispered "I love you too, Namjoon. Sleep well."

As Namjoon drifted off to sleep, I continued to hold him close, feeling a sense of contentment and happiness. I marveled at how innocent and pure Namjoon's love was, and I vowed to always protect and cherish him.

A while later, Namjoon stirred slightly, his eyes still closed. "Hyung, are you still here?"

"Yes, baby. I'm right here." I reassured him, tightening my embrace.

"Good..." Namjoon murmured. "Because I dreamt that you left, and I got scared..."

My heart ached at the thought. I could never leave him...I never once thought of leaving him. "I'll never leave you, Namjoon... I'll always be here to keep you safe."

Namjoon smiled in his sleep "Promise?"

"I promise..." I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to Namjoon's forehead.

As the night went on, I stayed awake, watching over Namjoon and occasionally humming softly to him. I felt incredibly lucky to have Namjoon in my life, and I knew that I would do anything to keep him happy and safe.

~The next day~

-Namjoon's Pov-

In the morning, I woke up feeling much better, still wrapped in Seokjin's warm embrace. I looked up at my hyung, eyes sparkling with gratitude. "Thank you for staying with me, hyung-ah. I feel so much better now."

Seokjin smiled and ruffled my hair. "I'm glad to hear that, baby. Anytime you need me, I'll be here."

I hugged him tightly, feeling a warmth in my chest. "You're the best hyung in the world."

"And you're the best dongsaeng. Now, how about we make some breakfast together?"

My face immediately lits up with excitement. "Yes, let's do that! But only if you promise to make your famous pancakes."

Seokjin chuckled. "Deal. Let's get cooking."

As they made their way to the kitchen, Seokjin couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, where he could take care of Namjoon and show him just how much he was loved. And Namjoon, with his innocent and naive nature, couldn't have been happier to have Seokjin by his side.

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