Chapter 12

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(okay so I know I mentioned in the past chapters that they all seemed to live together but in this I decided it would be better is namjin lived in an apartment and others have their own homes)

-Namjoon's Pov-

The days following the revelation were a blur of confusion and heartache. I couldn't bring myself to face Seokjin, not after learning that our entire relationship was built on a lie. Every time I thought about it, my heart felt like it was being torn in two.

I avoided him as much as possible, staying with Yoongi-hyung or wandering around the city aimlessly. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions—anger, sadness, and a strange sense of longing. Despite everything, a part of me still craved his presence, his warmth, his love.

One evening, I found myself sitting on a bench in the park, staring at the sunset. The colors in the sky were beautiful, but they did nothing to lift the heavy weight in my chest. My phone buzzed with a message from Seokjin. I hesitated before opening it.

"Namjoon, please come home. I need to talk to you. I love you."

I sighed, feeling a pang of guilt. I knew he was hurting too, but I couldn't just pretend everything was okay. I needed time to sort through my feelings.

-Seokjin's Pov-

Every day without Namjoon felt like an eternity. The apartment was empty and cold without his presence. I missed his laughter, his smile, his warmth. I tried to reach out to him, but he kept his distance, and it was driving me insane.

I spent hours replaying our conversations in my mind, trying to find a way to make him understand. I was desperate. I needed him to see that we belonged together, that our love was real, even if it started with a lie.

I sat in our living room, staring at the photos of us on the wall. They seemed to mock me now, reminders of the happy moments we shared. My mind was a tangled mess of love and obsession. I couldn't lose him. Not now, not ever.

-Namjoon's Pov-

I finally decided to return to the apartment, hoping to gather some of my things while Seokjin was out. As I opened the door, I was met with silence. Relief washed over me as I stepped inside, but it was short-lived.


His voice startled me, and I turned to see Seokjin standing in the hallway, his eyes wide with desperation. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, his hair disheveled and dark circles under his eyes.

"Hyung.. I didn't know you were home..." I said, feeling a knot form in my stomach.

"Please, baby, we need to talk" he said, his voice trembling. "I can't stand this anymore."

I sighed, feeling the weight of his words. "I don't know what to say, Hyung. I need time to think."

He took a step closer, his eyes pleading. "I love you, Namjoon. Can't you see that? We were happy together. We can be happy again."

I shook my head, feeling tears prick at my eyes. "But it was all a lie, hyung. How can I trust anything now?"

"I did it for us" he said, his voice growing more frantic. "I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. Please, sweetheart, we can make this work. You love me, don't you?"

I felt my resolve weaken as I saw the pain in his eyes. "I... I don't know, hyung. I'm so confused."

He grabbed my hands, holding them tightly. "Please, just give us another chance. I'll do anything. We belong together, Darling..."

I pulled my hands away, feeling overwhelmed. "I need time, hyung. I need to figure this out on my own."

As I turned to leave, I heard him sob behind me. It took all my strength not to turn back and comfort him, but I knew I needed to be alone. I needed to clear my head.

-Seokjin's Pov-

Watching Namjoon walk away felt like a knife to my heart. My desperation was turning into obsession. I couldn't let him go. I wouldn't.

Days turned into weeks, and my pleas grew more frantic. I sent him messages, left him voicemails, even waited outside Yoongi's place hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Each time he ignored me, my resolve hardened.

I spent sleepless nights pacing the apartment, my mind racing with thoughts of how to win him back. The line between love and obsession blurred, and I felt myself slipping further into darkness. All I could think about was getting Namjoon back, no matter the cost.

-Namjoon's Pov-

The longer I stayed away, the more I missed him. Despite everything, my heart ached for Seokjin. But the fear and confusion held me back. I didn't know if I could trust him again, if our love could survive this.

One evening, as I sat alone in my room, my phone buzzed with another message from Seokjin.

"Namjoon, I'm losing my mind without you. Please, come home. We can make this work. I love you more than anything."

I stared at the message, my heart torn. I knew I needed to face him, to confront my feelings once and for all. But the thought of seeing him, of facing the pain in his eyes, terrified me.

I took a deep breath and typed a reply.

"I'll come by tomorrow. We need to talk."

As I hit send, I felt a mixture of relief and dread. Tomorrow would be the day I faced Seokjin and the truth of our relationship. I could only hope we could find a way through the darkness together.

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