Chapter 45

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Californian Shore

She sensed it when his hand like a lean leaf rested in hers. The Caddy was hidden under a brake of sea trees bent by the wind. They seemed meager and withered by pollution. It was dusking, the sea was made of crude oil. He left her to walk as if he's been deprived of it in the time of his life. He placed his arms in the water, he washed his face, his mouth sipped and spitted. He stepped touching the surface of the clean sea. The sun was bigger here.

The wind was sticking like mastic from the salty ocean. She gritted her teeth chopping the thin salt. It was melting on her wet tongue. Her skin was lustrous as if it had cleaned from the sweating of a disease. She was considering ideas that could prevent the act she had in mind to execute. She was convinced with his return to her. Her body was itching her. She was feeling the tremor and judder in her muscles. She had half-opened her legs to relieve the unabating numbness.

She rubbed her irritated fingers on her flesh. It wouldn't calm. She was watching him, but she was elaborating her thoughts and didn't realize his perception of her situation. She saw the waves as lines on a map that form lands and a scarring course.

The penumbra gave the skin a shade she had never witnessed on a human being. It encouraged her. The incarnation was revealing. Sleek and wet he approached. Round droplets were sitting on his hair like a spider's spring web. Dry with humid ends and roots, the water was darkening them. The beach was unexplored. It was clean of garbage, tourist gear and forgotten items.

She pressed his shoulders to kneel. He was keeping his legs firm. He was pleading her to be dissuaded. He couldn't encounter Hawaii from the Californian shore. His knees rubbed the sand. He started to sweat. She reclined him. He sat on his elbows. She placed him on his back. She bit his Adam's apple.

He slapped her ear, she jumped and clenched his chest with her thighs. He raised and she fell on the sand. He was understand his promise. He wanted to betray her. He was regretting. With an open mouth to breath everything he had renounced for her, he stood. She fell on him, they rolled on the damp sand. She was grabbing his throat, her wet hands were slipping on his soaked skin, they scratched. She leaned to bite his Adam's apple. Her adrupt teeth were running, scraping unstable.

She caught his shoulder. It was the steadiest place to start. He was hitting his palms on her ears and face, he was pulling her hair and tying them around her head to suffocate her. He dragged her head, clumps were ripped, blood pumped from the roots. Confused she crawled with sharp tears in her hazed eyes. She was scratching her skin as if moths were munching it. She nicked her nails. Kneeled on fours with poking carnivorous shoulders, corroded face and grim creased hair she came.

She grabbed his throat and bit his Adam's apple. The cartilages of his throat were melting in her jaw. She wanted to open a hole, after that she would take care of the rest with her fingers.

She dragged him to the trees. She tied his legs with his torn clothes, she made a rope with her own and hung him upside on a fat branch. His arms were bent and unconscious, his fingers had sunk in the sand, small ants were climbing them. His inner thighs were smeared with urine and feces when she bit him. She wasn't bothered by the smell. She waited for an hour to drain.

The hanging leaves of the sea trees were whistling. She whistle back. Her body was rushing unbid from the cold breeze. She was listening sounds and turning startled. She was alone. The water was groping the shore, the air was pulling it inwards desiring to empty the sea without letting her to rinse herself. She was frowning as she was rubbing her fingers and pinching her flesh; she couldn't pour the orgasm out of her skin. She was kissing his hand, she was touching it on her warm body, it couldn't subside.

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